LLAD (Chapter 5)

“No, Drew. You're my top priority. You need help too,” said Shane, who disagreed with his brother's words.

Drew, with his pale face, just smiled while shaking his head. The look in the 8-year-old's eyes seemed to say that he wanted Shane to help the poor woman. 

Shane's mind and heart were at war. In the end, Shane chose to comply with Drew's request.

“Promise me that you'll be okay, Drew,” said Shane who was only responded to with a weak nod by Drew.

At this time Shane was standing right in front of the woman who covered her face with the mask.

A man who had previously surrounded the woman who covered her face with the mask said while pointing at Shane. “Stay out of it, asshole!”

Shane glared at the man who spoke harshly to her. The anger that was burning in his body due to the various bitter events he had experienced, made him not accept the snapping voice. No amount of harsh words could shake Shane's resolve.

Instantly Shane felt the fire in his chest flare up even more, united with the anger that was now burning inside him. He was a warrior ready to fight back with vigor.

Shane said with a hint of provocation in it, “You guys are just a bunch of shameless sissies. The five of you have muscular bodies. But you only dare a woman. You'd better get a sex operation, and then wear a miniskirt.”

“Insolent!” One of the men in a black suit yelled back at Shane. “How dare you call us names. I warn you again, if you still love your life, get out of our way and stay out of this!”

The hurt from the incident at the Winstone family home was still affecting Shane's mind. He had to vent his anger.

Before leaving the Winstone mansion, Shane slightly threatened them that he would return in the future to pay them back.

“It seems like fighting once again can make the pain and annoyance in my heart more channeled. I'm not a fighter, but I should try it again,” Shane muttered.

He hadn't realized that his strength and the martial arts he had used to beat back Erick and Derek were due to the help of the mysterious ring power.

In an instant, Shane changed his facial expression to a cold one, exuding a domineering aura. “I will interfere, because this is now my business.”

“Apparently you don't love your life.” Another man sneered at Shane's words.

A fierce battle between Shane and the five burly men was inevitable. The woman who had been the target of the five men chose to hide behind a tree, her eyes watching the battle.


Shane was knocked down when a hard kick landed in his stomach, causing him to spit out blood that flowed like a red river from his mouth, soaking his neck and chest.

Shane sensed something strange again. He began to realize it. The mysterious ring given to him by his late parents instantly glowed bluish after being splashed by his blood, like the sun rising from the darkness.

Shane felt a sense of dejavu. The incident when he was at the Winstone family home was now repeating itself. The mysterious ring had given him new powers. 

Breathing heavily, Shane crawled up from the ground. The blood spewing from his mouth had even splattered on the ground.

In the end, a fierce battle between Shane and the five burly men ensued. This time the tables were turned. Shane dominated and several times he even knocked the five men unconscious.

Some of the fighting moves he learned briefly in a world that was very foreign to him, really helped his movements, so he could win the fight.

Shane was still standing, staring at his palms. Shane took a deep breath of air, then exhaled roughly. She clenched her fists tightly. 

Shane felt a great power that now began to reside in his body. 

“This is who I am now. I will show them what power is. You people who have belittled and insulted me, wait for my vengeance. I will come for you!”

Shane immediately approached the woman who had been hiding behind a tree and invited her to run away from the five men who were still lying on the ground.

“Thank you so much for your help.” The woman could be heard sighing repeatedly as she arrived at a safer place.

“Oh my God! Drew!”

Instead of responding to the woman's words, Shane immediately thought of Drew, while the woman only frowned in confusion at Shane's attitude.

“I have to go.” Shane immediately ran towards the bridge. Leave the woman behind.

“Hey, wait! What's your name?” the woman shouted. But Shane didn't seem to hear.

The woman turned to the five men who were still lying unconscious.

“I can't stay here too long,” she muttered.

Meanwhile Shane looked back near the bridge. He saw Drew with his pale face, smiling faintly at him.

“Thank you, Shane. Thank you for helping him,” said Drew in his weak voice.

Shane smiled emotionally at his brother's kindness. He immediately carried Drew on his back, feeling how light Drew's body was now, as if all his strength had been drained by his illness.

Shane walked closer to the bridge that had not been used for a long time.

“Drew, look. we're going on an adventure,” Shane said, hoping his brother was happy.

Drew opened his eyes and looked at the bridge and river. “Are we going to do a scene like in the movies, Shane? It looks like fun.”

“That's why you have to be excited to get well. We'll have more exciting adventures than this.” Shane continued to try to encourage his brother.

“Okay, Shane.”

He ran with sure steps, with strong determination in every movement. Walking on a bridge that had not been used for a long time because it had not been renovated.

Drew smiled, every time Shane jumped to avoid the broken road. He seemed to be flying with his big brother.

“Shane, can I sleep?” asked Drew.

“Please, don't sleep yet,” Shane said pleadingly.

As much as possible Shane made Drew feel comfortable in his arms.

Shane knew that he didn't have much time right now. “I have to hurry,” Shane muttered to himself, strengthening his grip on Drew.

Determined, he made it across the river, only to continue his journey through narrow alleys and little-known passageways.

“You did great, Shane,” Drew said happily.

Shane chuckled. “That's because I have you to keep me company.”

It didn't matter that his breathing was labored, but he kept running, chasing the clock.

After passing through the narrow alleys, Shane arrived at the main road that led directly to the hospital. His feet accelerated to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Finally, the light of the hospital came into view. Shane exerted his remaining strength to run faster, entering the hospital area with his breath running out. 

Arriving in front of the emergency room, two nurses immediately grabbed Drew's body from Shane's arms, carrying his brother who had apparently returned to unconsciousness to the emergency treatment room.

Shane, with his remaining strength, stood in front of the emergency room door. His body was shaking, not only because he was tired, but also because of the deep anxiety about Drew's condition. He walked back and forth, his heart full of prayer and hope, waiting anxiously for news from inside the room.

After thirty minutes, Dr. Gerard, Drew's regular doctor, came out of the emergency room.

“How is my brother, doctor?” Shane's face was etched with deep concern.

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