LLAD (Chapter 8)

Alexa was a little surprised, because it was the same disease that her brother had lost, but she tried to stay calm as she said, “It seems like you really love your brother. I can see how anxious you get whenever you think of him.”

“My parents passed away a year ago.” Shane smiled bitterly. “So, I only have him as my family. I love him very much. When I asked for a little brother, God in his kindness brought him into our family life. A three-year-old boy I found in the forest.”

“What? So you found him when he was 3 years old? That means he's not your biological brother?” asked Alexa, looking probing.

“That's right. He is not my biological brother. But my parents and I love him very much. So what?” Shane looked confused.

“What's your brother's name?” asked Alexa, who was increasingly curious about Shane's younger brother.

Before Alexa's question could be answered, a nurse approached. “I finally found you here, Mr. Morgan. I've been looking for you. Dr. Gerard has been waiting for you.
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