Chapter 11

Regina's tears dried up instantly and her chest lightened with hope, maybe it was Keith who was calling to save her, although she had no idea how she trusted her husband enough to know that he would do anything to save her and their marriage from this predicament. If there was anything that made Regina so weary was the child inside her. Her family was being so cruel with their choices because of the contract they lost. As much as Regina wanted to hate her family for what they were putting her through she couldn't bring herself to. She wondered if they would have made the same choices if there was no contract involved, and how they would react then when she revealed everything at her pace, would they still ask her to abort the innocent child that had nothing to do with this mess?

Regina's heart quickened as she watched her father press the phone against his ears, the moment his eyes widened she almost fainted, what if Jonathan had given up on her? Or what if he had not found any solution and was asking her father to get rid of the child? Her mind was filled with so many negative thoughts that she was beginning to feel faint.

“What happened, honey? Is anything wrong?” Regina's mum asked with a worried expression.

Regina's father gulped down nothing, his shoulders held up in a tense matter. “Did you just say you are the representative of T- diamond company?” 

Regina's mother's eyes widened and she released Regina's wrist and moved to her father, “T- diamond company?” She repeated, her movements filled with uneasiness.

Regina's father gasped and hung up then began pacing. “Oh no.”

Regina's mother moved closer to her husband, “What happened? Did you not just say it was a representative from the T- diamond company?”

Regina's father nodded, “Yes, Mr. Hales, remember that man.”

Regina's mother's eyes widened, “Oh Lord, then why did you hang up?”

“What does he want?” Regina's father asked at the same time.

“That does not matter, this is our chance, honey,” 

Regina's father paid no attention to his wife, “But what if it's not about chance,” he suddenly turned to his daughter, “What did you stupid lover do? Why is the representative calling me?” 

Regina's mother stepped in between her husband and daughter, “That does not matter now, the important thing is that you call the representative back right now. It's rude to keep him waiting.”

As if her words snapped him out of his thoughts he faced his phone and pressed his phone against his ear,

“Hello sir, I am sorry, sir. It was never my intention to, please forgive me, sir,” 

Regina was taken aback by the sight of her father's begging form, throughout her growing years she had never seen her father beg anyone, her father had to be the proudest person she knew. She would laugh at the sight if she wasn't in such a peril at the moment. The realization that her father had said T- diamond company began to sink in and her own eyes began to widen with shock. She could not believe she doubted Jonathan, but the way he did it, Jonathan had succeeded in his plan. Her mind began swirling around the thoughts of how Jonathan could have gotten the representative of T- diamond company to call her father right on time too, thank God for perfect timing. 

There was a moment of silence and her father began pacing, “Yes sir, I'm listening please carry on.”

Everyone watched expectantly as he stayed quiet. 

Regina's father's eyes widened and a victorious look flashed upon his face, “You seriously mean it, thank you very much, sir.”

Regina thought her father was planning on getting on his knees at one point because of how much he was thanking the representative over the phone. But despite the happy mood she maintained a safe distance between her and her parents she still wasn't sure if they would change their mind yet.

“Oh Lord, this is great,” Regina's father said with a broad smile. 

“Don't keep me waiting, tell me everything. What did he want?” Regina's mother snapped curiously.

“I don't know what that bastard did but Mr. Hales just asked me to submit my proposal to the company. He told me not to worry about the Redmond contract anymore because he has everything sorted out.”

Regina's mother's smile widened, “I knew you could do it, honey. It was just a matter of time.” 

“You are right honey, all I needed was just patience and effort and I have the biggest company in the company begging for me.” her father supported.

Regina gave her parents a strange look, they seriously were planning to leave out Jonathan's part in all this.

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