Chapter 10

“Mr. Hales, you have to do something,” Jonathan said hurriedly immediately Mr. Hales picked up the call. He had called him after Regina's father hung up, he had no time left.

“Calm down, boy. What is the problem this time?” Mr. Hales said with a frown, “I was expecting the problem to be solved by now or is it that your in-laws are too big to be involved with our company?”

Jonathan shook his head, “It’s the opposite actually, they are amongst the people desperate to join the company and it appears that they've overdid it because they claimed the company threatened to cause them bankruptcy if they try again.”

“Ohh the special cases,” Mr. Hales said, with a chuckle. “You should be mindful of your in-laws, they had to be a reason they were put in the black book.”

“I will be mindful later, Mr. Hales, but now you need to get their names out of the black book,” Jonathan said hastily, glancing at the wall clock hanging on the wall.

“Well yes but that doesn't entirely mean they would still submit the proposal again,” Mr. Hales said logically.

Jonathan frowned as he processed Mr. Hales's words, “Oh fuck.”

“Language boy,” Mr. Hales scolded.

Jonathan began pacing again, “What can I do? They won't believe me.”

“You could just tell them who you are and I'm certain they wouldn't hesitate then,” Mr. Hales said suggestively.

“No,” Jonathan was quick to shut down the idea. That could not happen at least not now though, he needed time before he began thinking of revealing his true identity. And besides it was one problem at a time so he had to handle the one on the ground now before he thought of anything else. His eyes widened as an idea struck him.

“Jonathan, are you still there?” Me. Hales quizzed when the silence was getting too prolonged.

“Yes sir, I just think of something now. How about you get in contact with the family and request they submit their proposal, that would definitely work,” Jonathan rushed out his idea. 

There was a moment of silence, “Indeed it is sure to work but Jonathan isn't that a little bit too degrading for our company? Other companies are meant to be begging and not the other way around, you know.”

Jonathan sighed, “I know and I'm sorry I'm asking you to do this but it is the last hope I have, it is only an hour left or I'll lose both my child and wife. You have to help me, Mr. Hales.”

There was a moment of silence before Mr. Hales sighed in resignation from the other end, “Alright, I'll give them a call now. All I need is their contact info and their names.”

Jonathan's chest unclenched and his shoulders relaxed, “Thank you so much, sir. I owe you and I will never forget_,”

“I get it, but you are thankful but the sooner you get this done the faster you can save that family of yours, you did say it was an hour left, didn't you?” Mr. Hales cut him short.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Mummy please,” Regina begged as she struggled to snatch her hand away from her mother's tight grip, but she only winced in pain as her mother's fingers dug into her skin. “Mum, you are hurting me,” she screeched.

“Could you stop the yelling, you are calling attention to us young lady,” her mother snapped at her over her shoulder.

Regina's eyes widened with panic as she looked past her mother to the hospital coming into view and she began sobbing. She turned to her father, “Please, dad. Just give us a little more time, please.”

Her father shot her a glare, “Enough with the crocodile tears, you are irritating me. Your one hour is over, what else do you want me to do? I gave you the grace of forty-eight hours and that bastard lover of yours achieved nothing.”

“All he needs is more time, I'm begging you. Please think of the baby, please don't do this father,” Regina took in her father's unaffected face and she sobbed harder, “I will never forgive you, the both of you,” she screamed to his face.

Her mother's hand collided with her right cheek, “You have no right to spew such rubbish, especially with the mess you have put us through these past days. If you want to talk about forgiveness then let me tell you we haven't forgiven you too, get that into your thick skull. Now shut up and do the right thing for once.”

As they made to move Regina's father's phone rang and everyone paused to watch him dig out his phone. He placed his phone against his ear and after some minutes his eyes widened.

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