Chapter 9

Jonathan heaved a sigh as he put his signature onto the piece of paper. When Mr. Hales had said to come at any time Jonathan came as fast as he could and so immediately he dropped the call, dressed up, and got his driver to pick him up. He studied his signature on the paper and he gulped down nothing, he was unsure of how to feel about it despite it being his only chance. He doesn't mind coming back to this boring job, taking the hectic responsibility once again just as long as his family is safe, he wouldn't risk anything with his growing family. As long as they are safe then he wouldn't mind doing anything.

He glanced up and his gaze met with Mr. Hales who sat at the other end of the desk watching with a wide smile and eyes glittering with accomplishment. “I always knew this day would come, I never suspected you getting a wife would make my work faster, if I did I would have gotten you married long ago,” Mr. Hales teased.

Jonathan's face remained passive. It was obvious he wasn't happy with his choice but then what choice did he have? “I'm glad I was able to make you happy, Mr. Hales.”

Mr. Hales sighed, studying Jonathan's solemn look, “Cheer up boy, it's not that bad and at least your family would be safe.”

Jonathan opened his mouth to speak but the beep of the intercom kept him shut. Mr. Hales flashed him an apologetic smile and then picked up the telephone. He watched Mr. Hales listen attentively to whoever was speaking at the other end, the thought of the other person being his grandfather sent a sense of fear. 

Mr. Hales nodded, then dropped the telephone. "Your grandfather wishes to see you,’’ he said immediately.

As Jonathan's brows began to draw together, Mr. Hales added quickly, “Calm your horses, he only wants to discuss the business's next phase with you. Now that you are taking over you have a lot of catching up to do. And hurry, you know your grandfather hates being kept waiting," Mr. Hales reminded.

Jonathan glanced at the digital clock hanging on the wall then raised to his feet. “Please apologize to my grandfather for me but I need to settle my family first,” 


Jonathan kept pacing as he tried Regina's number waiting for anyone to pick. He was about to give up and go to her house when the ringing finally stopped and a hushed hello came from the other end.

Relief flooded Jonathan, “Regina.”

“Jonathan, is everything okay?” Regina whispered.

He frowned, “Why are you whispering?”

“I had to sneak it out to pick up the call,” Regina explained with a sense of urgency. “Is there any improvement, Jon? What's going on?”

Jonathan nodded as if she could see him, “Yes, that's why I'm calling. I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything,” she said immediately.

“Good, I need you to tell your family to submit their proposal to T-diamond Company instead of Redmond Company,” he blurted out.

There was a moment of silence accompanied by a whispered laugh, and then Regina spoke, “Did you hear yourself, Jon? T -diamond? That's the biggest company in the country and it is almost impossible to get a contract from them.”

Johnathan growled, “I know that Regina but I need you to trust me.”

“Trust you, I do Jon but what you are asking for is impossible. My parents have been threatened not to submit any more proposals to their company, they even threatened bankruptcy when my family had kept on submitting proposals,” Regina explained and his heart clenched as he heard the desperation in her voice, “I understand your desperation but you have to be logical with your decisions.”

Jonathan scowled, “I don't have enough time Regina, you just have to trust me, okay?” He took her silence at the other end as a yes, “Good I need you to go and tell your parents what I just told you, do it now,” he ordered softly, and with a sigh Regina hung up.

Jonathan couldn't sit still as he continued to picture Regina telling their parents and when his phone finally rang, it was thirty minutes afterward and he picked up immediately half expecting it to be Camila with good news but his giddy thoughts were interrupted by a masculine voice,

“I can't believe you dare to make fun of my family, mentioning t- diamond company like you own it. You are more foolish than I thought if you think I will do as you say and submit any stupid proposal. You should be more concerned with your life and not others, you have just an hour left,” Regina's father hissed and hung up.

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