Chapter 8

The next day, Jonathan paced in front of Redmond's business, taking in the large building before him. It couldn't say it was comparable but it was commendable.

He sucked in a deep breath and summoned every last bit of courage he had then marched into the building, his heart pounding in his chest.

Jonathan took in the luxurious inside and would have been swept off by its beauty if it weren't that he was already used to places like this. He made his way to the receptionist.

“Good afternoon,” he cleared his throat to get her attention. 

The plump woman looked up with her brow raised, eyeing him suspiciously, "Can I help you?" 

Jonathan took a deep breath, “I need to see, Mr. Jackson. It is really important.”

The receptionist stared impassively, “Did you set an appointment?”

“I just need to see him urgently, it won't take long I promise.”

The woman frowned, glancing over his shoulder probably at the security, “You can't go in without an appointment, sir.”

“And when is he free?”

“In a couple of weeks, sir,” she said easily.

Jonathan opened his mouth to say something when the ding of the elevator caught his attention, his eyes moved to the elevator, and luckily for Jonathan the person that came out was the person he was looking for.

“Sir,” the woman started,

“I'll handle him,” Jackson snapped, cutting her short. Jackson began heading for the lobby and Jonathan immediately took it as a signal for him to follow. “What do you want, peasant?”

Jonathan flinched with surprise, but spoke anyway, “Please revoke the contract.”

Jackson laughed, “Excuse me? And why should I do that?”

“Please reconsider, think about Regina_”

Jackson's eyes darkened, “Why should I? She's your responsibility and I certainly don't go for anyone's leftovers.”

Jonathan's gut told him this pleading was useless, but his desperation kept him rooted to the spot. “She is with a child and_,”

“A child that is none of my concern, why would I want to offer such a contract when what I want is tainted? You can keep her, now leave my presence,” Jackson said harshly.


“Security,” Jackson called, not giving him a chance to land before two large men swept into the scene and off his feet bundling him out of the company.

His phone rang interrupting his basking in shame moment, he panicked when he saw Regina's name flashed on the screen. He picked up immediately but before he could say anything a firm voice said from the other end,

“You better be thinking of something fast, it's just twenty hours left.”

Jonathan's face paled and he was instantly filled with more dread.

“Jonathan, what a pleasant surprise, today must be Christmas,” Mr. Hales said with a laugh.

Jonathan would have laughed but he was too sad and depressed to laugh along. Mr. Hales must have noticed because his laugh instantly died down,

“What happened?” Mr. Hales asked, concerned.

Jonathan opened his mouth to explain his ordeal but he hesitated, reconsidering if it was the right thing to do. But then he thought about Regina, the fact that he couldn't contact her or see her. It was radio silence from Regina's end and he was stranded. It was obvious there was no changing Jackson's mind and since Williams couldn't help, he was left with his family as the last option.

“I need your help,” he blurted out, not hesitating a second time. He explained his ordeal, not leaving a single detail out.

“You have a wife? And she is pregnant with your child?” Mr Hales said in shock.

Jonathan frowned then growled, “That was all you picked from my predicament. I'm in peril, Mr. Hales.”

Mr. Hales sighed loudly, “Right, but before anything, that was so irresponsible of you. Your grandfather will be pissed, you could have at least given him an invite.”

“I will apologize later, the important thing is how we can fix this,” Jonathan said, his voice ringing with impatience.

There was a moment of silence before Mr. Hales spoke up again, “It’s a three hundred million deal we are talking about, Jonathan.”

“I know,” he ran his fingers through his hair. 

“But I guess I could help but on one condition only,” Mr. Hales said seriously.

Jonathan figured out what his manager was going to say but he decided to play dumb, “That I introduce you to my wife and make you my child's godfather?”

Mr. Hales chuckled, “Such a tempting offer but we both know what I'm referring to,” when Jonathan didn't say anything, he continued, “You come back home and take your rightful place.”

Jonathan thought of Regina, picturing her swollen face, “Deal.”

“Good, you can come to the managerial office anytime from now for the finalization.” Mr. Hales said.

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