Chapter 7

As Jonathan watched Regina lament, his heart ached and a surge of courage to protect his family, so he made a decision in his mind. 

Regina frowned looking at Jonathan with a confused frown, “Why are you so quiet? What's wrong? Are you changing your mind already?”

“No, of course not. That will never happen,” he said trying to sound reassuring despite the turmoil going on inside him. 

Regina doesn't look convinced and instead, her eyes welled with tears, fat drops of tears trailing down her face. “It does not seem like it, is it the baby? You don't want it, do you? Did it scare you away? Or you just do not want me anymore,” she concluded and burst into tears.

Jonathan quickly covered the small distance between them, pulling her into a hug and letting his chest swallow up her cries. He didn't need any of her family members coming here to find them together. “Shush baby, you are fine and just stressed, that is why you are thinking those things. Remember you are my wife now and I wouldn't have made such a decision and risked it all without me being so in love with you,” he said in an attempt to call her down while patting her back.

“I was so scared, Jon, they wouldn't listen to me,” Regina began between tears, “They threatened to call the cops and called me all sorts of horrible things, and what's worse is that they want to take my baby from me,” she sobbed harder, “I can't lose my baby, Jon, you won't allow them to do that, will you?”

Jonathan's heart broke the more and his desperation grew as he watched his wife break down and his incapability to solve the issue was only making him feel more useless as the minute.

“It will be alright, Regina, please stay calm. I will find a way I promise,” he cooed, placing a kiss on her hair.

Regina shivered against him, sniffing loudly but no longer sobbing and he guessed it was because she was already too exhausted. “But how? Do you think that man will change his mind? And what if he does not? What if my parents do not wait for you to keep your promise and do as they wish instead?”

Jonathan's heart quickened as he listened to Regina's other possibilities and his hope slowly grew dim. He knew that he was running out of options and with Regina's family breathing down his neck, and if he did not come up with a solution, not only would he lose Regina but then he would have to live with an innocent baby's blood in his hands.

Desperate and defeated, Jonathan knew his only chance now was to go with his newest plan, his decision to take the long shot. He felt there was no point going there but it was the only thing he could think about and that was to go to the Redmond family personally and attempt to change their minds, even if he meant pleading with them to reinstate the contract. His mind went back to what Williams had said about the family and he hoped that the family still had a bit of humanity in them so he could reach out to them and possibly reach their hearts. He felt this was a risky move, but then what other choice does he have? 

He summoned every last bit of courage he had to take a look at his wife and with every strength, he offered her a comforting smile. He needed her as calm as ever that would be best for the baby, he would not want any harm for his child and he knew it was the same with Regina but she was not in the right state of mind now, she was far too hysterical to know what would be best for her and their baby. 

“What are you thinking about, Jim?” Regina said about the blue, her voice a little calmer and her loud sniffing had stopped and was only at intervals now. 

He looked into her red eyes, a clear picture of how her bright blue eyes were when they weren't swollen and red from tears and he felt heartbroken that he also had a hand in her heartbreak. He needed to fix this, now. He offered Regina a reassuring smile that wobbled then placed a kiss on her forehead, 

“Don't worry, your small head, just focus on resting and taking good care of our baby, alright?”

Regina's eyes squinted, as she studied him under a scrutinizing gaze. “Alright, but whatever you plan to do, please be careful. I can't deal with this alone, I can't lose you too. I need you.”

He nodded and swooped in for a kiss.

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