Chapter 5

Jonathan stood in front of the hospital pacing with a worried expression. He glanced at the empty car park, at the spot where Regina's father's car had been packed minutes ago, and then sighed deeply. What had he expected actually? Regina's family only got angry despite his promise to secure the contract that they would rather sell their daughter for than lose. Regina's parents left the hospital with Regina but not before slamming the door to the car to the face and Regina's father yelling angrily to his face that he was fired from his job. it wasn't like he was expecting Regina's family to accept him with open arms anyway. 

The problem now was not acceptance which could come later or probably never come but he was already in the mess, and the worst part was that it was at the risk of his child, how was he going to save Regina without the involvement of his family and their connection?

A small red car pulled over in front of the hospital and Jonathan knew it was there for him, he rolled his eyes at the choice of car but got in anyway. 

“When I told you to bring the smallest car this wasn't what I was picturing,” he said dryly.

His driver, Carl bowed respectively, “You said a car that could easily blend in and wouldn't call for attention and this was the only car in your garage that fitted the description, sir.”

Jonathan's brows drew together, he was about to begin thinking of his cars but then the sudden weight of reality crashed onto him and his mood immediately turned sour. 

Carl pepped at his boss through the rearview mirror, “Sir, are you alright?” 

Jonathan's lips felt heavy but he did reply. He wasn't sure he could successfully lie that he was alright when he was far from it when the life of his first unborn child was hanging on a thin thread.

Carl was smart enough to realize that his boss was not going to give him a reply, “Where to, sir?” He quizzed instead.

Jonathan looked like he was in deep consideration, Carl shifted in his seat feeling uncomfortable with the intense moment of silence but as he opened his mouth to ask the question again, Jonathan's eyes widened, and a gleam of hope flickered in his eyes.

“Take me to the underworld,” he ordered.

Carl raised a brow at Jonathan, “Sir William?”

“Yes, could we hurry up please,” Jonathan said hastily.

Carl's frown deepened, “Does that mean when I want to report to the boss I can tell him that you visited the underworld today?”

Jonathan sat up in alarm, “No, of course not. Let it just stay between us, Carl, is that clear?”

Carl nodded quickly, his eyes scanning his boss. Something was obviously not right with his boss, unlike the confident and nice Jonathan he knew, this version of him was edgy and snappy but he didn't say anything and immediately put the car In motion.

The place was called the underworld, which Jonathan always thought was a weird name for a place like this. The underworld was where the wealthy then the wealthiest resided, the place was a walk through paradise. It was lavish and extravagant but despite that it was shady and most times messy. 

As he entered the dimly lit bar where William was supposed to be, he wasn't surprised to see the place empty except for a stripper and the bar attendant, and then the man he came for sat at an end, his attention on the stripper.

"Jonathan, long time no see,” Williams said without taking his eyes off the dancing lady, “I was beginning to think you have become best friends with that old man, anyway what brings you to my humble abode?"

Jonathan rolled his eyes as he settled down, “Humble indeed,” he snapped.

Williams sat up straight, his eyes wide with surprise, “Did you just raise your voice at me? What crawled up your tiny ass and died?” 

The stripper stood awkwardly for some seconds and when she was certain Williams was not paying attention to her anymore she walked away.

Williams' eyes narrowed on his friend, “Oh shit.”

Jonathan peeped up, “What?”

“Did Regina tell you to shave your eyebrows?” 

Jonathan frowned in confusion, “What?”

Williams immediately sombered up, “Oh, you're serious. Please talk, I'm here to listen.”

Jonathan rolled his eyes but did just that, “I need your help,” he began and then proceeded to pour his heart out, leaving out no details. William listened intently, his expression growing more serious by the minute.

As Jonathan finished, William shook his head with sympathy. "As much as I would love to help, I can't. Fredrick Anthony took over my operation, months ago."

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