As soon as Gilbert had slammed the door behind him, the room seemed to exhale a collective sigh of relief. But it wasn’t long before Amelia’s grandmother turned her attention to me, her eyes blazing with fury.

“Richard! How dare you talk to Mr. Gilbert like that?” she scolded, her voice dripping with disapproval.

I crossed my arms, trying to keep my cool. “I’ve already expressed my interest in Amelia. It’s disrespectful to encourage another man to pursue her when I’ve made my intentions clear.”

Amelia’s grandmother sniffed, her expression a mix of anger and disdain. “Disrespectful? The only disrespectful thing here is you talking back to someone like Mr. Gilbert. He’s a powerful man, and you—well, you’re nothing compared to him.”

My jaw tightened. “So, what, I’m supposed to just stand by and let him steamroll over everyone? I don’t think so.”

She didn’t miss a beat. “And since Amelia’s grandfather is ill, I’m the one who will decide who will marry Amelia. Not you, not G
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