I hadn't invited Dennis, the consortium chairman, to my father's house yet. This was the second task my father had given me and my stepbrothers. Time was ticking, and I knew I had to move fast. So, I jumped into my car and sped to the headquarters.

Here I was, back in the opulent shark tank of Consortium HQ, my palms slicker than a politician's promises. This whole "befriend the chairman" charade my old man had concocted felt more like a suicide mission than a family bonding exercise.

"Alright, Richard," I muttered to myself, smoothing down my rumpled suit. "Second task, Operation Butter Up Dennis. Let's do this.”

With a deep breath, I swaggered towards the receptionist, a woman whose smile could make diamonds jealous.

"Hi there, sunshine," I chirped, channeling my inner witt. "Richard Thorne here. See if you can work your magic and get me a quick chat with the big cheese himself, Mr. Dennis."

Her smile faltered for a millisecond, then returned, a touch less dazzli
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