I marched up to the secretary's desk, ignoring the disgruntled sighs from the others in the waiting area. They could wait. I had a chairman to charm.

"Excuse me," I said, leaning casually on the desk. "Is Mr. Dennis available, by any chance? I have a feeling he'd much rather chat with me than these...gentlemen."

The secretary flustered, pushing her glasses up her nose. "I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Dennis is a very busy man. All appointments must be made through..."

"I'm sure he can spare a few minutes," I insisted, my voice taking on a persuasive tone. "Tell him it's about a matter of utmost urgency. And maybe mention that I'm far more interesting company than those two clowns out there."

She hesitated, clearly torn between protocol and my undeniable charisma. It’s a gift, I swear. Finally, she caved.

"Very well, sir. What name shall I give?"

"Richard. Richard Thorne." And with a final wink, I added, "He'll know who to expect."

"Oh, look who thinks he can charm his way to the
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