The story in the morning newspaper became the hottest topic in town. All of Beaumont’s elite and every other person in the city rushed to get a copy for themselves. Clara had just seen the story when the office clerk dropped a copy on her office table. She rushed to her phone quickly to talk to her mother.

‘Have you seen the newspaper today?’

Diana was quiet. She too had seen the paper and it was not good for her and for the Robert family. She had hoped it would not come out like this.

‘Mom, are you there?’ Clara asked. Clara suspects that her mother already knows. She was impatient for answers and her mother’s silence was not helping.

‘Clara you shouldn’t be listening to gossip. You should have worked to do it.’

‘Mom it is not gossip. It is on the morning news. All of Beaumont knows about it. What have you done?’

There was more silence.

‘Mom speak to me.’ Clara was growing impatient.

‘I did what I did to keep our family business afloat. You can blame me all you want but I did what
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