Michael nods approvingly. The waiter arrives with glasses and a bottle of drink, and after placing them on the table, proceeds to pour it in glasses. They didn’t say anything to themselves till the waiter left. It was Michael who broke the silence.

‘Where do you stay now?’ he picks up his glass, hands it to Isabella and he takes the second.

‘I am sorry I won’t tell yet, till I find out who it is that came to rob me.’

Michael nods and says, ‘I understand.’

Isabella nods too and asks. ‘What have you been up to? Any new business deals?

‘Baby, why haven’t you been picking my calls? Is she the reason for the distraction?’

Michael froze as he saw the prostitute stroll into the lounge and threw herself between Isabella and him. The prostitute stroked his chin, totally ignoring Isabella.

‘Baby has missed you, though it is healthy and strong.’ The prostitute continues, rubbing the curvature of the emerging bulge that was her stomach, with one hand while still rubbing Michael’s chin.

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