Business Agreement

“What’s wrong, Serena? Why are you being like this?” asked Mrs. Moe panicked.

Deryl could only take a few steps back and give them space to talk to each other.

“Grandma, how many men have come here to marry me, but all of them always have a bad desire. No one is sincere, especially him. He is a very handsome man, Grandmother, and I am sure that he will be the same or much worse than the others.”


“Serena, don’t get me wrong. By God, I don’t have any thoughts like that at all. Moreover, have thoughts of taking advantage of you or controlling your family’s property. By God, I came here with the sincere intention of marrying you. If you don’t believe it you can ask Mrs. Moe. Isn’t Mrs. Moe your grandmother? Mrs. Moe wouldn’t bring in a bad man to get to this point, right?”

Serena fell silent at Deryl’s words, then Deryl took a deep breath.

“Serena, I know that you have flaws. However, I also have sincere intentions towards you. I want to marry you and I want to live together with you. Maybe you don’t love me yet and don’t know me, but I’m sure that love will pass over time.”

“Then do you love me?”

“Yes!” Deryl replied steadily. “Which man wouldn’t fall in love with a woman as beautiful as you, Serena? Even though I’m blind, I can fall in love with you.”

Mrs. Moe smiled, just as she saw Serena looking melted by Deryl’s words. It turned out that this man could be relied on by Mrs. Moe.

“My name is Deryl Wiltson, just like you might think I’m a handsome guy. But what is the meaning of good looks if good looks are useless? Honestly, I was once married to a woman, but that woman dumped me and even cheated on me because of a man who was considered much more established than me. I was devastated at that time, then tried to get up. Then I met Mrs. Moe, she told me so many stories about you that it made my heart tremble, until then I fell in love with you through the story that Mrs. Moe told me. Until now I met you, and the more I fell in love with you, Serena. So, that’s the bad side you should know and I hope you don’t reject me because of this.”

Serena was silent for a moment, and that made Deryl seem to panic. He also couldn’t force anyone to accept him as a husband, right? Because after all Serena had the right to refuse.

“Okay.”  Serena said. Deryl seemed to frown in confusion. How could it not be, ‘okay’ is a really ambiguous answer.

“What do you mean?”

“Okay I will marry you.”

Deryl was silent for a moment trying to digest Serena’s words, then Mrs. Moe patted Deryl’s shoulder.

“Serena accepts you, you two will get married.”

“Is it true?” asked Deryl who still didn’t believe it. After he was completely sure, Deryl immediately held Serena’s hand very tightly. For some reason, in Deryl’s heart, he really wanted to make Serena happy after he became Serena’s husband, and Deryl swore he would continue to make Serena laugh. “I really didn’t expect you to accept me, Serena. Thank you very much, thank you very much for your answer.”

“Yes. I won’t force you to do that.”

Both of them smiled, until finally Mrs. Moe cleared her throat, causing the two of them to immediately rush away from each other.

“Okay, if you both agree. What if you get married tomorrow?”



The blessing event had arrived, Deryl and Serena were now officially married. Deryl was very painstaking in taking care of Serena, he even pushed Serena’s wheelchair himself. After the two of them were legal, Deryl carried Serena’s body. The two of them were now getting into the car and were about to go home to rest, and of course this happiness is not immediately felt by all members of Moe’s family. Because after all, they still felt that there was something strange about Deryl and they had to find out about it.

“Husband, can I call you that?” Serena asked.

Deryl smiled perfectly, then he nodded his head too. Serena’s sweet attitude was completely different from the attitude of Miya, his ex-wife, so for some reason Deryl suddenly thought of the ex-wife who had belittled and humiliated him to the lowest point. Yes, it looked like Deryl had to take revenge so that Miya and her new husband were both embarrassed according to what he felt before, of course.

“Of course you can, Serena. You can call me anything and I’m very happy if you call me, ‘my husband’.” Deryl answered while kissing the back of Serena’s hand.

Serena smiled then she hugged Deryl’s body perfectly. “Thank you very much for accepting me, Deryl. Once again, thank you so much.”

Deryl kissed the top of Serena’s head, he could see how Serena’s legs were really, really, really weak.

“What happened to your leg, Serena?”

“I had an accident, they said my leg would recover but somehow I ended up permanently paralyzed like this. Many doctors have come to treat me, but none of them have been able to cure me. This is a very painful thing.”

“Do your feet hurt, Serena?”

“No, I don’t feel anything in my legs, Deryl.”

Deryl nodded his head again, then he stroked his wife’s legs. Serena felt so sorry that Deryl couldn’t say anything.

“I promise, I will help you. I promise I’ll make you walk again, Serena.”

Serena, who knew that it was impossible, could only smile, then she hugged Deryl’s body perfectly.

“Thank you very much, Deryl.”

Deryl smiled perfectly, then he released his hug to Serena, inviting Serena to rest first then he walked out to meet Mrs. Moe.

“Why are you looking for me, Deryl? Shouldn’t you have a wedding night together with Serena? Don’t you want to have a wedding night with Serena because she’s paralyzed?”

“Of course it’s not like that, Mrs. Moe. I’ll let Serena rest first because I see she looks tired. I have a personal request of you and I hope you will grant it.”

“What’s that? Do you want money, a house, or a vehicle?”

Deryl shook his head perfectly, his hands clenched perfectly into fists of course.

“Mrs Moe, you definitely know who my ex-wife’s new husband is, right? Can you get him to work at my company? I want to repay what he and his wife have done to me all this time.”

“Are you sure about that?”


“Okay, I will grant your wish.”

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