Chapter twenty-four

In no time, Authur got back into the restaurant and gave Josephine all the pads.

After Josephine used the restroom, she came out, and they both went out of the restaurant after settling the bills.

“Thanks! "I didn't expect it today," Josephine said, feeling embarrassed and cursing her period for coming at the wrong time.

“You are welcome. See you later.” Authur smiled and held her hands.

Josephine’s heart skipped a thousand beats, and she removed her hands from his.

“Bye!” She got down from the blue Bentley and waved at him before going into her apartment.

Authur didn’t think much of her actions, so he drove off.


Later that evening, Lord Byron invited Authur to his royal house for a birthday dinner celebration.

Lord Byron was one of the most influential kings in the country. There were over eight kings in the country, but he was the most powerful of them all.

He wanted to celebrate his birthday with his only daughter but he had to invite Authur because his beloved daughter had per
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