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Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 3
Leatherwing blinked. That attack hadn't been meant for him, so how did the giant know exactly which direction to run? The thought made him more than a little nervous. He took a quick step forward toward Whitefire to make sure she would be safe—only to find his path blocked once more. Grimwulf leapt up to grab hold of his armor-clad chest and pulled himself right over the top of the big man. Before anyone could react, the king of Favaria drew both of his blades and buried them deep into the center of Leatherwing's back. A horrifying screech escaped through the hole in Leatherwing's helmet as he dropped face first onto the stone ground with Grimwulf still clutching him tight.Grimwulf slid one blade free after the other as he withdrew it from Leatherwing's body, then spun around and held the swords out before him like a spear. His eyes locked upon Whitefire, but they also seemed to be looking deeper inside her own head than at her. The elf queen stepped slowly backward away from the two
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 4
Grimwulf only barely managed to lift his arm up high enough to block all but one rock out of view from his view. He watched helplessly as the lone stone slammed hard into Leatherwing's exposed snout with a loud thud, leaving no mark upon him... except for a small crack right between those eyes which quickly faded into darkness until Leatherwing's whole body disappeared without warning behind another brilliant flash of light. And while the first bolt struck that one stone right beside Grimwulf's head, he didn't see a second stone slam into the back of the dragon corpse where its head should have been and cause even more damage."You must do something," pleaded Whitefire suddenly in her own voice after watching from the top step in horror as both men fell lifelessly to the ground below.But Grimwulf couldn't understand why she spoke to him alone; surely it was his job to save his companion since they'd been partners throughout their long years together? It had been his task to protect L
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 5
Whitefire found herself holding her breath when she heard the next words out of Grimwulf's mouth. "But don't expect me to do this again.""Do what?" she asked cautiously. "What did you mean by that? What can you possibly do that would make a difference?"The dragon lord bowed his head very slowly so that one long horn fell forward across the front part of his snout. He let out a heavy sigh from somewhere deep within him before lifting up his eyes and looking directly at Whitefire from beneath half-lidded lids once more. She stared back at him without blinking—or even breathing—for several minutes as they both waited for something more to happen, or perhaps waiting for some sort of attack to begin all over again—as if they were somehow caught in the middle of a terrible battle instead of merely standing there in silence together on top of a ruined tower surrounded on all sides by bodies of men who'd died fighting each other in a far distant time and land thousands of miles away.And th
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 6
But she noticed it anyway; not because of how much fear there must've been hidden within the depths of his eyes which gleamed so brightly in the darkness surrounding them after the explosion had gone off somewhere nearby in the distance across the river, but more because Grimbok and the rest of his men had just vanished completely into thin air! And everyone around them in the tower courtyard stared wide-eyed in shock and disbelief as they searched for signs that anyone remained inside the remains of Whitefire's tower who still lived. No one saw anything alive inside the shattered walls filled with piles of broken stones mixed together with splintered wood, crushed bricks, charred timbers, shards of metal, dead leaves and other debris lying all over everywhere. They might've assumed it was all part of some strange game played by children pretending to be soldiers—or maybe even real ones—who liked to throw down weapons while wearing armor in battle for fun before picking up swords agai
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 7
But there was nothing else for any of these warriors to do except fight each other instead of learning how to protect the land they claimed as their home even as it changed around them every moment of every single day."I don't really understand," he admitted aloud, "but I'll wait."Whitefire smiled slightly as she looked up toward him as he spoke; clearly surprised by such words coming out of the mouth of someone she'd known only a few minutes earlier! Perhaps she thought he was just pretending to be something he wasn't in order to remain hidden here in this ruined castle deep within a forest surrounded by trees which had grown tall and strong without being planted near a stream flowing gently through grasses which provided both shade and nourishment during hot summer months. But now it seemed time had come at last to see if anyone—even an old woman with dark green eyes and hair with pale strands mixed throughout its length on her head—could truly teach her about magic. That alone ma
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 8
"We will defend ourselves against those who wish to destroy us," Whitefire declared."Why?" Grimbok asked. "I don't understand.""Because they can't help themselves!" he answered without hesitation looking back and forth between Grimbok and Grimbok's guide. "The enemy is coming for you! It doesn't care what happens to me or my people." He paused before adding. "But I must warn you! There are many more coming after all. They seek to kill any man, woman or child willing to stand and fight; that includes your wife as well as yourself since it makes no difference to them whether she has the gift of magic or not as long as she isn't carrying an heir growing within her belly waiting to be born if possible if not then there will be others waiting as well to carry on the family name until time finally runs out like sand running through an hour glass..." He hesitated pausing for a moment before continuing speaking in a soft voice filled with sorrow knowing what was about to happen regardless o
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 9
"I want you to kill me," Whitefire said looking away, somewhere else.Grimbob stared confused not understanding what he meant. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why?" he asked stunned trying to figure out what was going on feeling as though he had fallen down the stairs feeling dizzy wondering where he could get help seeing white flashes every now and then finding himself walking through a dark forest searching for something familiar and lost in a place he didn't know surrounded by creatures who wanted to hurt him but were afraid which allowed him to walk past unscathed yet unable to escape as long as he remained wandering helplessly wishing for death taking its sweet time coming his way allowing him to continue struggling against impossible odds knowing he wouldn't survive no matter what happened fighting harder than anyone ever had simply because that's what he did whenever things looked bad, and things usually did look pretty awful since no one cared enough about anyone to
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A world for Brianna 10
Brianna, who was breathing deeply in her crib, opened her eyes and realized that the world where her consciousness had been transported was entering a strange loop, so she looked at the ceiling with her golden eyes for a few moments.She before concentrating to start the restart of that world since as her goddess by accident she had to supervise the construction of the world, so she decided to start with her actions.For that she eliminated the life of that world, which it was beginning again after the last big war between two sides of this world; when everything went well the same thing happened on the other side too. Then Brianna turned around all what remained of those lands. The old cities were destroyed during the war but some buildings survived thanks to their incredible size and architecture made from stone and wood mixed together; others buildings have disappeared due to natural disasters or weathering like volcanoes and floods over time. When the process of the elimination o
Latest Chapter
Monica's rescue and the new reality
In a warehouse in the city of Strawberry Monica was sitting in a small cell looking only at an artificial light coming through the door to enter the cell. Monica, despite being tied up, was not worried because she knew that her husband would free her from that place without much trouble, so she just closed her eyes and waited patiently. While this was happening in another part of the city, Killian, who was smoking a cigarette, carefully looked at a map of an old warehouse while a group of men in bulletproof suits were preparing their weapons. "Gentlemen, my wife was kidnapped by a small group of idiots who think they can touch my authority at this time." Killian pointed to an entry on the floor plan of the old warehouse "Unfortunately for those idiots we completely control this city so we have to finish them off immediately.We will enter through this secondary entrance from the basement of the building where we will slowly go up to the second floor where my wife is, I want it to b
The final abrupt change
Marie who was enjoying the sun on a deckchair, took off her glasses when she realized that a change in the multiverse was happening in a strange way, so she took a deep breath.She used her power to analyze what was happening. The first thing she noticed was that the changes were caused by Killian Flanagan's two daughters, since the girls had already established themselves as goddesses.Although her power was strong, they were nothing compared to her, but the most curious thing is that she could feel the energy of Man altering the order of the multiverse."That bastard should be trying to do something weird, but what he's trying to accomplish is altering a little mistake like Killian Flanagan and his daughters.There is no point in initiating a change in the multiverse unless he tries to create a multiversal reset event but doing so would change everything to the point of no return creating a multiversal paradox.The damage would be self-destructive for him and for us but if he did it
The search of Monica 6
"I am a dwarf.""And you are telling me this why?" asked the man, turning towards Kalendeen who shook his head quickly. "What is this about? Why have you come here? What do you want? Who sent you? Do not answer any questions until I have told you who I will allow answers to!" He turned back towards Hector and Zara once again before gesturing for them to move away to stand next to Thaddeus near one of the walls; each of them placed so that they were all facing forward to make it easier for him to watch both groups simultaneously. His son stared blankly ahead with his arms folded across his chest, refusing to meet anyone's gaze even while watching carefully over every little movement. The general waited silently beside him with his hands resting on his hips. There was no sound other than the shuffling of feet as men stood around pretending to be busy while listening to what was happening in front of them."You say you wish to talk but refuse to listen…" continued the king as he walked s
The search of Monica 5
"I am General Kalendeen," he said. "This is my son, Thaddeus. My second-in-command, Lieutenant Robert. There is only one person we can trust within this kingdom, and that is King Ataulf. His majesty is aware that you have returned, and has ordered me to give you a warm welcome. You may also be pleased to hear that the rest of your friends are waiting inside.""My apologies, General, but I'm not sure what you mean by a 'warm' welcome.""There's no need to be rude.""Rude? I don't think I've ever been called ruder than when I was told I'd received an invitation into somebody else's home without so much as so much as a small drink or two of water offered up along with it! Now, I have come all the way across the world without any sleep whatsoever, risking my life at every turn as well as facing threats which would make any sane soldier wet himself in terror… and now, having finally reached the castle gates, I find myself standing outside on a stone floor wearing nothing more than rags and
The search of Monica 4
"How many people live here?" asked the princess before shrugging as she tried hard to think back on what she could remember from the books she'd read while they sat on that small island near Nilo's capital city. It hadn't taken her long to realise that she was most likely never going to have a chance to read any more books after leaving that place, but that didn't mean she was going to let her past life slip out of her memory either. She found herself wondering how many books existed and whether anybody still remembered any of them, or if all those stories would one day fade like stars slowly dying within the vastness of space or the tales of gods and heroes turning into myths and legends told and retold until they eventually disappeared completely forever. The girl decided not to dwell on the idea too much as she walked beside Regin instead as the dwarves strode across the road without ever appearing worried about who might be watching.The two men stood close together with Hector wh
The search of Monica 3
Hector scowled, glanced across the road into the distance, then looked back and forth between the two dwarves and the princess before muttering darkly under his breath, "That won't be enough to keep them distracted, you know…" His tone was uncertain but it didn't sound as if he really cared either way anymore since none of this had happened yet. Not in this world anyway; maybe things would be different when he got home again in just a few minutes or hours or days.Skraffi ignored him, instead leaning forwards and kissing Zara on the cheek, earning a surprised squeak and a gasp of shock from the girl. "Thank you," he said after letting her go. "We'll get back to you soon with an answer to your questions about what exactly is going on here and why my sister has been taken away for her own protection."Regin rolled his eyes at the younger dwarf as he put a hand over his heart to salute Zara before taking hold of his shoulder. "You are very welcome," replied the prince politely before loo
The search of Monica 2
Regin looked at Zara and she gave him a reassuring smile. She had seen enough already today. He turned his attention back to Skraffi. "What about your magic?""Hmmm, what did you have in mind?" asked the dwarf."A distraction," replied Regin, thinking quickly. "One which you can produce at the same time as you set the guards on the far side of the castle chasing after the wrong people."Skraffi frowned slightly before he nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard. All I need is someone to go along with me." He pointed towards Hector and Hrobar. "I'm sure I could find someone who's willing to accompany us; perhaps they'd like to follow my instructions so that they know exactly where they should lead these men away from… unless they'd rather stay and help you keep guard against any intruders trying to enter this place through another entrance while we search for my sister… ?"The companions glanced between each other for only a moment, then both shook their heads. "We'll leave it up to you how
The search of Monica 1
"No need for tears," said Hrobar reassuringly. "You've got us here, after all. There are plenty more people out there whose hearts have already been broken on account of what you told us today; now we'll do our best not to add to your troubles!"Regin stared up into space as if trying to find answers in a cloudy sky full of mist; he was thinking about his sister Zara and her brother Luca both having to suffer so much misfortune within a short time of meeting, because the King had sent them off to war together, while also wondering whether the mysterious stranger might turn up sooner or later to put matters right again."What does any of it matter?" asked Skraffi. "I'm just glad I wasn't one of those guards standing guard outside the gates when it happened." He raised his cup high into the air. "To Queen Anirul's daughter!" he cried. "May she be blessed forever by the gods above!"Hector joined in the toast, clapping his hands together until everyone else did likewise and began chantin
Journey to get Monica Back 4/4
Killian and his daughter Yuki arrived in a strange world where they watched a woman and a man talk, seeing them for a moment, little Yuki realized that there was no trace of her mother Monica.So Killian looked at the couple and was waved goodbye as he went to another world to look for Monica.In the deep desert east of Thebes two thousand miles from the Nile stood a mountain named Sai. On its peak was built an ancient temple to Hathor, goddess of motherhood and joy, where once every twelve years pilgrims came seeking her blessing on their journey through life. It was said that all those who passed under the giant gates had been touched by the love of Goddess Hathor. All except one man whose name has long since been lost in time, but it is known that he lived as king among them for seven days and nights, with no water or food save what his companions gave him. In exchange they demanded that he give up all that he held dear so that when they finally left at dawn's first light none woul