Coming across royals

Once he said so, the box before him began to produce a low humming sound, with soft beams of colored light emanating continuously from it.

Then after waiting for sometime, precisely 5 minutes later, the collapsible tray of the item printing box unfolded from within and straightened out to form a long tray.

Immediately the collapsible tray ejected from within the box and formed into a long rigid tray, perfect replicates of coins produced from within the printing box, began to move out from within the box and along the tray to the ground where it formed into a small accumulation of coins.

And as this happened, Max produced a storage device called the Dimensional Storer from the storage shelf kept in his pocket. The Dimensional Storer was a storage device that he could use to store all sorts of things, which could actually range from the size of a small truck to the astonishing massive sizes of many dozen bunches of towering mountains.

Immediately the Dimens

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