Stormseizer Berserker Gun

Then with a single thought from him, the neutrally-linked teleporter in his pocket blinked and then a large, fearsome-looking gun appeared on his two hands.

Immediately the gun appeared on his hands, he received a rush of information into his head on the amount of damage it could unleash and how to operate them.  


Name: Stormseizer Berserker Gun. 

Ability: Can shoot large sphere-shaped bullets that can burst into tremendously destructive, electricity-imbued fire. 

Damage Capacity: 

-> 1st-Level Attack Mode [Windchaser]: Capable of causing damage that can level 0.5/10th [Half of One-Tenth] of a small city block.


"Hmm! That's why it feels so heavy, despite my insane vampiric physical strength.' 

'However, it's beautifully destructive.

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