The Attempt...

They arrived at Dorian's company like a missile as they walked in majestically.

Everyone swerved to stare at the boss's friends who were dressed so strangely and gazed at them in awe.

Dorian noticed the attention that his best friend had drawn and bit his lip to atop himself from bursting out in laughter.

"Can we take the private elevator?" Dorian asked changing his direction towards the private elevator and the two girls did the same as well.

"Be it known to you that I took the private elevator just to avert people's attention from the both of you. You look so weird." Dorian said immediately as the door of the elevator closed and the two girls stared at him.

His protocols had wanted to take his briefcase as he got to the 7th floor where his office was located but only a glare from Brianne sent them to their heels.

They got to his office and they pulled off their glasses breathing like people who had gone for a marathon.

"Don't you have something to do?" Brianne asked staring at Doria
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