Protecting The Image...

"Oh my goodness, oh my god." Emily muttered as she clenched her chest whilst staring at the content of the news wide-eyed.

She had never expected it and she wondered how the public would react to it. She knew that the fact that she and her family were public figures. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for the onslaught of criticism and judgement that would come her way. She was determined to handle the situation with grace and poise. She would have to be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.

This would definitely leave a large mark.

"Emily, when i ask a question...I expect that you reply to me with your voice." Her father groveled as his heart skipped with each passing minute.

This would dent their image!

"Oh come on father, don't pretend you've always been a great fan of Dorian. I'm not gonna lie that I attempted murder on him at some point but that was long, long ago while we were still together." Sophie said and her father drew in a deep breath because he knew that
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