Chapter 02 - Confusion

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on a hospital bed all alone. No one was found. My head was aching so much because of the injury, and I got a plaster on my left leg too. After some time, a female nurse came to check on me. As soon as she saw me conscious, she called the doctor, and he checked my injuries. 

“You will be fit like before in the next couple of months, so rest up and take it easy.” Doctor said, 

I wasn’t able to talk, so I was just staring at him, hoping that he'd tell me who dropped me here. 

“Oh yes, a girl left you here. She said she found you on the road unconscious with this major injury, so she admitted you here. She has paid for the treatment, so don’t worry about it.” He said

I was wondering if the girl was my ex-girlfriend, and afterwards I went to sleep. **

After one month, I was discharged from the hospital though my injuries weren’t healed completely but my plaster was removed. The doctor said that the girl paid for the treatment, but she didn’t pay for the check-ups or medical bills. So I’ll have to pay at least 40% of the amount in order for them to continue the treatment. 

“I have already lost my job, have no house to stay in, and now these bills. Why didn’t I just die there? My sh*t life, in my current condition, I don’t think anyone will give me a job. What am I supposed to do now?” I thought while leaving the hospital. 

As soon as I went outside the hospital, I got a notification on my mobile. My eyes were left wide open by it. “What the—what kind of joke is this?” I thought.

I received a notification from my bank. It said someone sent me a million dollars. Even though my situation was worse, I still refused to accept the money, not because I didn’t want it, but because it felt like some kind of trap to me. While panicking, I called my bank’s customer support and asked them to recheck if the transaction was valid. 

“The transaction is valid, sir, and we haven’t received any mistake reports from the depositor either. If you think that this is fraud, then please let us know.” 

“No. It must have been my friend who deposited it, and I didn’t know, haha.” I said. Words came out of my mouth on their own. 

“Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?” She asked

"No, that’s all I wanted to confirm, thanks.” I said that and hung up the call. 

A drop of sweat fell out of my mind. I was still looking at the phone with a shocked expression. And suddenly I received two more messages.

First were my hospital bills. It said that the total cost was 70K dollars. The medicine and the room service charges were too expensive. I had to pay 28K dollars in two weeks in order for them to continue my treatment.

And the second message…

"You can stay at the midtown hotel until next week. Just go there and show them your ID, and they will give you the key. Also, use some of the money to get yourself some clothes before going to the hotel. Because your reputation is important to us," the message was received from an unknown contact. 

“Is the girl who saved my life related to these money and messages? What kind of scheme is she plotting?” I thought, “Well... I don’t have anything to lose now, so I might as well give it a try and see how my life goes from here.” I decided. 

I took the taxi and went to the nearest clothing store first. I purchased some normal clothes and two pairs of suits, which looked pretty luxurious. After the shopping, I went to the restaurant to eat something since the doctor strictly told me not to eat anything heavy so I just ate normal food that I used to eat. I also met one of my coworkers at the restaurant; he was working as a waiter there. 

“Hey Blurb, long time no see. What are you doing here? Can you even afford the food from this restaurant?” He mocked me. 

“My employer treated me to a meal. By the way, shouldn’t a waiter be more humble and not put his nose around others?” I countered him. 

Since I wasn’t certain about where the money came from, I decided to keep it to myself for the time being. After that, I ate lunch and went to the hair salon to do my hair. I was trying to look as good as I could since it was that unknown person’s instructions. I wore one of my two suits and went straight to the hotel. When I reached the hotel, the staff welcomed me. It wasn’t unusual for them; I mean, I used to be one of them just a month ago, but I still felt a bit uncomfortable. I went to the receptionist and gave them my ID. 

"Oh, you are Blurb Grimstone! Your room number . is 703, and here is your key.” The receptionist said that and gave me the key. 

I was shocked when I saw that huge, luxurious room and couldn’t believe that I was going to stay there for one whole week. Just as I lay on my bed, I received a call from that unknown number. I picked up the phone.

“I hope you are enjoying your time. And your taste ain’t that bad, sir.” A female said.

“What do you mean, my taste?” I said it in a serious tone. 

“I meant the dress you bought.” 

“Were you stalking me?” 

“Haha! Don’t be ridiculous. Well, anyway, I just wanted to say that those one million dollars are truly yours, so enjoy all you want until next week. On Sunday, one of my men will send you a card with an address, so arrive there on time.” She said with a friendly tone, "Oh, and one more thing! This is not a request; it’s an order.” She hung up.

My feeling of joy suddenly vanished, and I left with the thought, “Did I make the right decision by coming here?” I looked at my surroundings once again. “Guess there is no turning back now. I might have been dead if not for her anyways.” 

In the dark room, a girl was sitting in a red chair. Two guards were standing behind her, and one man was standing in front of her with a white coat and white hat. 

“Everything’s going as planned, it seems, Boss.” The man in the white coat said.

“It is indeed! At this rate, we might fulfill our mission in 5 years,” she said, smiling. “Blurb Grimstone… I will avenge you.” She thought while looking at his picture.

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