Chapter 03 - The Meeting

After that call, I enjoyed the whole week. I’ve already decided that whatever that mysterious girl will demand from me, I will give it to her. Even if she asks me to die, I'll do it. I stopped fearing because I had nothing to lose at that time, and thanks to her, I got to see the world I had never seen before. 

7 days had passed... I drank a little more than usual that night, and I went to bed as soon as I got home. The same night, at 12 o'clock, someone knocked on the door. I was sleeping deeply on my bed. That stranger unlocked the door and came into my room. He splashed water on my mouth. I suddenly woke up. I saw a man in a black suit standing beside me. Without thinking about anything, I shouted, “Wh--who are you?" And how did you enter my room?” I tried to grab my phone, which was on the table near my bed. The man grabbed my hand and said, Don't worry, sir! I’m here to pick you up.” 

“Wha--What are you talking about?” I asked. I was a bit drunk, so I totally forgot about the day. 

The man went to the kitchen, grabbed the bottle of soda from the fridge, and gave it to me.

“Drink this and sober up a bit more. Ma’am won’t like your behavior otherwise.” He said it without any expression. 

As soon as he said, "Madam, I looked at the time and said, "Whow! I thought you would come in the afternoon or evening." "Who comes to someone’s house this late?” I asked with an unpleasant tone. 

“If you are done, let’s go. Ma’am hates waiting for too long.” 

“Wait 5 more minutes, brother; let me go and get ready first.”

“There is no need for you to get ready. You have already wasted so much of my time.” The man said with anger. He grabbed my wrist and took me to the car. 

I tried to ask so many questions along the way: “How did you unlock the door?” “Who is this so-called ma’am?” and “What are you guys planning to do with me?” But the man didn’t say anything. 

After 15 minutes of travel, we finally arrived at Destiny. It was not as far away from the city as I expected it to be, in fact it was inside the city. When I got out of the car I saw a huge building in front of me. It was a casino where I had already worked before. 

Fortunately, nobody familiar saw me there as I followed the man into the casino. He led me to the abandoned place where no one was allowed to enter. 2 guards with guns on their hands were standing right in front of the gate.

"He's finally here," one guard said, opening the door. "Ma'am is waiting inside for you."

"Try not to make her angry," another guard whispered as I was entering inside, "if you wanna live."

I looked at him and said, "Thank you for the suggestion." and entered inside the room.

There were around 14 bodyguards inside the room standing in a row with guns. And in the center there was that mysterious girl sitting on the chair. I couldn't look at her face because the chair was turned in the opposite direction. There was a table in front of her, some files and a gun was there. 2 people with white suits were standing beside her. By the looks of them, they seemed to be the most loyal dogs of hers. Both of them greeted me, "Thank you for arriving, Sir Grimstone."

The girl turned around and looked at me. She had long black hair, fair skin and the smile of an angel. I won't lie, that girl was the most beautiful girl I've seen in my entire life. She sat back and asked, "Greeting, Sir Grimstone! Hope you didn't have any trouble coming here."

The question snapped me back. "Do you see the state of my clothes? Your guard treated me like a stray. First, a face full of water, then rushed me in here without a chance to clean up. When I tried to ask a question, he ignored me completely."

The girl asked that man to come in front of her. The man came and stood there, "Great job! You definitely deserve some award."

The man got happy, "Thank--" The girl took the gun and shot the man  before he could even complete his sentence.

"Mr. Blurb Grimstone, I apologize for the inconvenience you had to face because of this fool. No one will ever do this to you again, I guarantee it," she said, placing the gun back on the table.

Sweat dripped down my face. The dead man had a big hole in his head, and blood was everywhere. Two guys came and took the body away. Another guy cleaned up the blood. The loud bang of the gun scared me really bad. I'd never seen someone killed before. But the girl... she just shot him without even thinking about it.

"Wh-Why did you kill him?" I stammered, my voice trembling. "A-And what do you want from me?"

The man standing at the left side beside the girl said, "Do not fear, sir. We have no intentions of harming you as long as you behave yourself." 

"As for, WHY did ma'am kill the man? It's simple because he made a mistake by not treating you well." The man standing at the right side said. 

"B-- But don't you think that death is too much." I said, I lost myself and shouted, "You guys are monsters!" 

Each guard in the room pointed their guns at me. 

"Didn't you hear what Charlie said just now? I have no intentions of harming him." The girl said.

Everyone put their guns down. Girl came closer to me, "Monsters you said? Just so you know, death is the most merciful punishment around here." 

I looked at her, she was smiling as if she did nothing wrong. "Death is the most merciful punishment? I take my words back, you are not monsters." I said calmly, I stared at her eyes, "YOU ARE A PSYCHOPATH" I shouted.

Charlie, who was standing at the left side, pointed his gun at my head, “Yell one more time and I shall kill you in an instant.”

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