Chapter 04 - The Deal

I glared at him. "Tsk! I guess it's none of my business."  Looking away from Charlie, I addressed the girl directly, "Who are you? Why did you call me here? And why the one million dollars?"

"So you've come to your senses, have you?" The girl said with a sly smile. "I called you here to propose a deal. That million dollars is just a taste of what you'll gain if you accept."  She returned to her seat, her composure unsettling. “As for Who I am. My name is Lisa Greynight, my occupation… you’ll know it soon enough.”

"If it involves killing someone, count me out," I said, my voice hard as I met the gaze of her right-hand man.

"Don't worry," she said, her voice smooth as silk, "if I need someone killed, my boys here can handle it in a blink. As for you, I have a different proposition. I want you to be my dealer and become my... personal faithful dog."  The last words were laced with a hint of amusement, sending a shiver down your spine.

Fear coiled in your gut, but a sliver of curiosity flickered amidst it. What did she possibly want with you?

"You realize what you're asking, right?" you managed to force out, your voice tight. "And of who?"

A chilling smile spread across her face. "Blurb Grimstone, twenty-six years old. used to work at multiple part-time jobs and a full-time job. Your girlfriend ditched you last month and went with someone after humiliating you.

Her words hit you like a blow. How did she know all this? Panic started to claw at your throat.

"Enough details for now, or shall I delve deeper?" she continued, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper as she leaned closer. "Oh, and by the way, I also know about your father . And his current whereabouts."

"Bullshit!" I shoved her back. "My father died long ago, how dare you talk about him?” 

"I guess, you really didn't know anything about your father, did you?" She said and sat on her chair, "Drake!" 

"Right away, ma'am." Drake, who was standing at right, opened the document which was laying on the table. There was the picture of my father, sitting in a room with scars and brushes all over his body.

I stumbled back, a tremor running through my body. "H-How can this be?" My voice barely rose above a whisper. "It's been over seven years since the police... executed him. Then how is he even alive?" Denial clung to me like a shroud.  "That man in the picture... it can't be my father. This must be some kind of trick."

"Not a trick," she said, her voice devoid of sympathy.  "The police never executed your father.  It was all a setup, a trap to capture him and hand him over to a rival gang."

I refused to believe in any of her words because as far as I knew my father was just a normal office worker. I did not spend much time with him but he seemed too nice to do any dirty work. "What do you mean, a trap?" I asked. 

"Why they took him, only your father or his captors know for sure. But," she continued, leaning forward, her voice now a seductive purr, "if you want to save him, make a deal with me. Be my loyal dog, and I'll provide all the resources you need to get him back."

Memories flooded back, vivid and painful. The police bursting into our home, the accusations, the way they beat my father into submission. My mother... she couldn't take it. Suicide, without a single thought of me left behind. I was only eighteen then. College dreams shattered, forced to scramble for any job that could put food on the table…

"Before I make any deal with you," I said, trying to project a steely resolve, "I need answers. Who are you exactly, and how did you get this picture?"

Lisa smirked. "Well, if I could find out everything about you so easily, wouldn't getting a picture be child's play?"

Frustration bubbled up. "Enough games," I growled. "Give me straight answers."

A throaty laugh escaped her lips. "Oh my! You've got some nerve talking to me like that."  She paused for effect, then continued, "Fine, I'll indulge you. As I mentioned, I'm Lisa Greynight, one of the four mafia leaders who control the underworld. Your father... well, let's just say he used to be one of us."

"As for the photo," she continued, "an anonymous source sent it. Who they are, why they sent it, and how they got my number, I have no clue.  But one thing's clear from his appearance - he's been captured by a rival mafia group. If you want to save him, you better start looking now, or it might be too late."

"One of the four mafia bosses, you say?" I scoffed, disbelief coloring my voice. "Yeah, right. A girl like you couldn't be a mafia leader."  A humorless laugh escaped me. "Whatever your reasons for picking me, I do have questions for my father. So, I guess I'll take your deal."

Drake placed a paper with a scary skull picture on the table. It said stuff about following orders and not telling anyone or else I get killed. Charlie, the scary quiet guy, took out a knife and put it on the table with a bang.

"Where's a pen?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Lisa, not smiling at all, said, "We don't use pens here. In this world, promises are sealed with blood." I looked at Drake, who gave a small nod.

My throat felt dry. I wasn't so sure about this anymore, but the picture of my dad looking all beat up kept me going.  I grabbed the knife, it was cold and yucky.  Taking a shaky breath, I made a small cut on my finger. It bled a little, and I touched the bloody finger to the paper where it said to sign.

"Good," said Drake. "You're officially a Scavenger now. We kill bad guys to keep things fair, and we make deals to get money for the group."

"Go to your room," said Lisa, her voice cold. "You'll get a job soon, and then we can talk about what you need to do. Welcome to the team, Mr. Grimstone."

One of her bodyguards dropped me to the hotel.

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