Chapter 05 - Delivery Job

It took me 2 hours to make a deal with them. Never in a million years had I ever imagined that a beautiful lady like Lisa was going to be my boss. Though, the way she killed that guy within a second gave me chills. I sighed, "I wonder what is going to happen to me in the future. Also come to think of it, is she really a mafia? I used to think that mafias keep their identity hidden that not even their own family members know about them. Jeez! I guess it's a concern for later." I thought about it and went to bed. 

The next day, I received a job proposal letter. It looked like a normal part-time delivery job at first. There was a contact number of the owner, "Well, since I have to keep my identity hidden I must need to do something so that no-one will get suspicious about me." I thought and called the number.

The call was picked up by a man with a gruff voice. "Hello sir, how can I help you?"

"Is this the Bluffcakes restaurant? I received a job proposal letter from you today," I said.

"Ah! You must be Jimmy Watson. Yes, I sent you the proposal. So, are you interested in joining us for the part-time gig?" he asked.

"Jimmy Watson?" I thought, confused. "Give me a moment, please, let me read your requirements first." I said, checking the letter.  The recipient's name was Jimmy Watson, but the address matched mine, down to the room number.

“It must be that bi*ch!” I muttered. “I don’t even have her contact info to call her and ask about it.” Sighing, I got back on the phone. "Yes sir, I am Jimmy Watson. When should I arrive for work?"

"Come tomorrow at 12:30 p.m," he replied. "I'll explain your duties then. You can start the day after."

"Okay, sir, thank you," I said, hanging up the phone.

The next day, I donned some normal clothes, my nerves prickling at the lack of any official documents under the fake name Jimmy Watson.  The restaurant was located in the heart of the bustling marketplace, and as expected, it buzzed with customers. A lone figure manned the cash register, while a few waiters weaved between tables. In the back, I spotted the man from the phone call, presumably the manager.  But before I could approach, he boomed, "Ah, Mr. Watson, good to see you!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," I replied, trying to project confidence. "So, what specifically did you want to discuss about the delivery job?"

"Straight to the point, I like that!" he chuckled. "The role involves delivering orders, and you'll be paid weekly based on the number completed.  As a perk, you'll also receive a free meal from our menu each shift."

A free meal? That was a welcome surprise. "That sounds like a decent deal," I admitted. "What about the ID situation?"  This lack of documentation made me uneasy.

He gave me a curious look. "Didn't you submit them to the boss?"

Thinking fast, I played along. "Ah, yes, I thought you might need copies for your records as well," I said with a nervous laugh.

His suspicion seemed to fade. "No worries, if the boss himself hired you, that settles it then." He clapped me on the shoulder. "Be here tomorrow at 12:30 pm sharp. I don't tolerate tardiness."

"Absolutely, sir," I replied, leaving the restaurant with a mix of relief and apprehension swirling in my gut.  This delivery job seemed simple enough, but with a mysterious boss and a fake identity, I couldn't shake the feeling I was heading into something far more complicated.

As I stepped out of the restaurant, my phone buzzed with another unknown number.  Suspecting it was Drake or Charlie, I answered the call.

"So, did you like your first part-time job deal?" Lisa's voice, laced with amusement, filled my ear.

"Ha! This isn't exactly my first rodeo with part-time jobs," I countered, a forced laugh escaping my lips.  The seriousness of my situation was starting to sink in.  "Look, I need to see you. Now. Tell me where to meet."

A sly chuckle escaped her lips. "Seems like someone couldn't sleep a wink last night, thinking about their new mafia boss."

"Let's just say I have questions," I pressed, ignoring her amusement. "Location. Now."

"There's a yellow taxi just across the road, go there say It's madam's order." She said,

I spotted the yellow cab Lisa mentioned, parked across the street. The driver wore the same black clothes as the big guys from Lisa's place. My stomach lurched, but I walked over and told him the secret message Lisa gave me. He grunted, not exactly friendly.

Getting in the back, I tried to ignore my nerves as the car zipped out of town.  After fifteen minutes, we screeched to a stop in front of a creepy, abandoned building. It looked like it used to be nice, but now it was all falling apart, with empty windows like sad eyes.  Weeds grew everywhere, and it was quiet as a ghost town.  Even though I was scared, I knew I had to see Lisa. I needed to find out why she gave me my wrong identity. 

The taxi driver took off as soon as I got out. My heart was pounding like a drum, but I took a deep breath and walked to the creepy building.  As I got closer, I heard awful sounds - someone moaning in pain and another person hitting them. Sweat dripped down my face and my knees started to knock together.  I slowly opened the creaky door.

Inside, Lisa sat on a chair like a queen, with a mean smile on her face. A big guy, Charlie, was next to a hurt man, holding a leather belt like a jump rope.  Drake, the fox natured guy, stood next to Lisa and grinned evilly at me.  There were only four guards this time, but they looked different from the last ones.

"Wh-what's going on?" I stammered, scared. My voice shook as I looked at the injured man on the floor.

"Welcome back, Blurb Grimstone," Lisa said in a fake sweet voice. "Or maybe I should call you Jimmy Watson?"

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