Chapter 06 - Know Your Place

Lisa's sweet voice sent shivers down my spine. "Welcome back, Blurb Grimstone," she purred, "or should I say, Jimmy Watson?"

"You!" I blurted, my voice laced with accusation. "Why'd you give him my fake name? Where'd you even get fake documents?"

Drake, a smug grin plastered on his face, took over.  "The name's not fake. This here's the real Jimmy Watson.  We borrowed his documents and, well, let's just say we updated his picture."

Disbelief washed over me. "What? This guy isn't a bad guy?" My voice trembled as I looked at the innocent man on the floor.

"Of course not!" Drake scoffed. "He just has a similar personality to you, that's all. We offered him a job, some easy money, but he refused. So, well..." he trailed off, his grin widening into a cruel smirk.

Seeing red, I lunged towards Lisa, a roar erupting from my throat. "How could you do this? This is messed up!"

Before I could reach her, Charlie materialized in front of me, his fist connecting with my gut with a sickening thud. The air whooshed out of my lungs, and I crumpled to the floor. "That guy's (guy from chapter 1) power was nothing compared to this man." I thought through the haze of pain, a metallic taste filling my mouth as blood dripped from my lips.

Lisa grabbed my hair, her face hard. "Listen good," she growled, close to my face. "Just 'cause I was nice once doesn't mean I'm weak. You get it?"

My stomach ached from Charlie's punch, and I felt sick.  "F-free him," I mumbled.

"What?" she snapped.

"Let him go," I blurted. "Just this once, and I won't bother you again, I promise."

Lisa laughed, a mean, cold laugh. "You really think you can order me around? Fine," she said, wiping a tear from her eye, "this is your last wish, fool."

She pulled out a gun from behind her back. The world seemed to slow down as she pointed it at the innocent man on the floor.  I wanted to scream, but no sound came out.  The gun went off with a loud BANG!

The man crumpled to the ground, blood staining his clothes. My heart stopped. "W-why?" I stammered, my voice tiny.

She shoved the gun in my face, a grin on hers. "No questions, remember our deal?"

Two big guys came and took the body away. The smell of blood filled the air, and Lisa started laughing again.  It made me sick.

"You'll have to shift your luggage.” Lisa said, all smile. “An ordinary delivery boy can't afford a 5-star hotel to live in. Starting tomorrow you'll start living at Jimmy's place. Don't worry about anything, no one will suspect anything." 

I was shaking so bad I could barely stand.  Everything that just happened felt like a bad dream.  But the cold metal of the gun was a scary reminder that it was real.  Swallowing hard, I mumbled, "O-okay, I get it."

Lisa and her big guys left, leaving just me and Drake. Drake looked serious, like he wanted to say something. I was in shock from everything that happened, but I managed to ask him to show me where Jimmy lived.  He led me to his car.

On the way, Drake spoke up. "So you saw the real Lisa, huh?"

I didn't answer.

"You're lucky," he said. "People who mess with our boss usually die in two days. But the boss seems to like you for some reason."

"Don't be stupid! She's a lunatic. She kills people without even thinking." I yelled.

"That's what I thought at first too," Drake said with a laugh. "Listen, if you do what I say, I promise you can change your fate. Even the boss herself might lose."

"Even a strong guy like you couldn't do that, so why would you think I could?" I said. "I'm a loser who's been beaten up twice already."

"There's more to it than that," Drake mumbled. He slowed down the car and looked me straight in the eyes. "You're angry and want revenge. If you listen to me, we can turn this whole thing around."

I couldn't think straight and didn't know what to say.  I just shook my head yes, agreeing to go along with him for now.

Drake led me to Jimmy's place, an ordinary rental house.  He explained that Jimmy had lived alone with no family or relatives, making it a suitable place for me to stay.  They informed the house owner that Jimmy had gone overseas, and I moved in that same night.

Jimmy's room was spotless, everything neatly arranged.  A heavy weight settled in my gut as I questioned why an innocent man like him had to die.  Wracked with guilt and sadness, I unpacked my meager belongings and settled in for a restless night.

The next day, I arrived at the restaurant precisely at 12:30 PM, as instructed by Christopher.  He bustled around, packing a variety of parcels for delivery.  He also requested I change into the restaurant's uniform, which I did without question.  Suitably attired, I set off for my deliveries.

Eight deliveries awaited me, scattered across different parts of the city.  Seven deliveries were local, their destinations easily navigated.  However, the eighth one…

The eighth delivery sent a shiver down my spine. The map directed me to a rundown part of town, a maze of narrow alleyways and ramshackle buildings.  The stench of garbage hung heavy in the air, and stray dogs scavenged through overflowing bins.  People huddled on threadbare blankets along the sidewalks, their faces etched with weariness.  Others hurried by, their expressions grim, as they headed off to another day of backbreaking labor.

A gnawing unease twisted in my gut.  Who, in this poverty-stricken area, could afford such an expensive delivery from our restaurant?  Pushing aside my reservations, I followed the map's directions, the final destination a seemingly deserted spot behind a crumbling, abandoned building.

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