Chapter 07 - Drug Dealing

When I arrived, I noticed four youngsters, approximately aged 15-17, consuming alcohol and drugs. One of them lay unconscious on the ground, two were drinking wine against the wall, and the last one, apparently the customer, greeted me, saying, "Hello sir, thank you for the delivery." He spoke with a drunken slur, "Here's the tip for ya, enjoy your life, buddy!"

Surprisingly, he handed me a thousand dollars as a tip. Although it wasn't my concern, I couldn't help but wonder why intoxicated individuals would want to order food in such a place. It was all new to me. Regardless, I declined the money and began heading back to the restaurant. Suddenly, an old man intercepted me.

"You bastard! You're the one who ruined my child's life," he exclaimed.

Perplexed, I responded, "What do you mean, sir? I just came here to deliver the meal."

"Meal, you say?" The old man approached me, shouting, "So those cocaine are now a meal for you!" He punched me in the face.

Stammering, I tried to explain, "What are you talking about, sir? I work for a restaurant; there must be a misunderstanding."

The old man led me towards them and urged me to see it for myself. As I approached, I witnessed the entire scene from a distance. To my shock, inside the package were three small packets of drugs. All four individuals seemed to be enthralled by the contents, with even the fourth person getting up due to the scent of the drugs. Uncertain about how to handle the situation, I felt lost.

I apologized to the old man, explaining that it wasn't my fault. In an attempt to make amends, I offered him the money, but he declined, asserting that money couldn't bring his child back from the depths of hell he was stuck in. Overwhelmed with guilt, I blamed myself, already sensing that something like this might happen. The realization that teenage boys were consuming drugs was too much for me to handle.

Returning to the restaurant, I sought out Christopher, the one who had packed those packages for me. When I found him, I grabbed his collar, exclaiming, "What the hell were you thinking, giving me those drugs?" My anger was evident.

Christopher pushed me back and stared at me, saying, "It was the boss's order. Don't shout at me, you jerk."

Disgusted, I muttered, "Tsk! The boss's crap again," as I looked down at the floor.

"Look, boy, I know what you're thinking right now," Christopher placed his hands on my shoulders and advised, "But I'll recommend you to just stay silent and deal with it. Because if you pick a fight with the boss, your life will become worse than hell." He spoke with a serious tone.

Understanding the gravity of his words, I chose to follow his advice for the time being, hopeful that Drake would help me escape from this difficult situation as soon as possible.

Curious if there were any other tasks for me, I inquired, but Christopher informed me that it was all for today. He instructed me to arrive at the exact time the next day.

I left for home and visited him again the next day. He handed me twelve parcels for delivery, with different locations this time, fortunately without any slum areas. Successfully completing all the deliveries, I returned to him. This time, he informed me that there were no drugs involved, and since I was not aware of my deliveries, he promised to let me know in advance whenever drugs were included. I expressed my gratitude, took the free meal from his restaurant, and headed home.

Upon reaching home, I tried Bluffcakes restaurant's meal for the first time, and it was surprisingly good. No wonder he always had so many customers all the time.

The next day, I visited the restaurant, and he handed me 12 parcels for delivery. This time, there were four drug packages, while the rest contained regular meals. Christopher informed me that during my first delivery, there was only one pack of drugs. He instructed me to accept tips if offered, as only affluent individuals could afford such deliveries. I nodded in understanding and set out for the deliveries. Over the next two weeks, out of thirteen days, I handed over approximately twenty-five drug packs.

During this period, I heard nothing from Lisa or Drake, leaving me anxious about my situation. On a Monday, after two weeks, Drake came to my place alone.

"Listen, Ma'am is going to call you tomorrow at any time. You better get ready and listen carefully. Whatever you see there, just do not raise your voice or do anything stupid," he warned me.

I nodded and offered him a drink. Curious about what had been going on with him lately, he assured me that there was nothing to worry about. Lisa had been observing me, and she seemed satisfied with my work.

Just after Drake left the house, I received a message from Lisa that read, "My man will come to pick you up tomorrow night at 11 o'clock. Be ready by then, and don't you dare be late this time." I left it on "seen" and went to sleep. I skipped my job for the second time that day and stayed at home, pondering what might happen there.

In the afternoon, I ventured outside to take a walk and clear my mind. I observed the usual sights: people walking with their partners, shopkeepers attending to customers, and children playing in the garden. However, everything seemed different somehow. "Will I ever be able to enjoy my life again?" I wondered.

Later, I decided to have lunch at a random restaurant. I noticed a commotion at the cash counter, and when I attempted to intervene, I was pushed back by a tall guy in fancy clothes. Frustrated with my life, I retorted, "Those are some rich words coming from you," and punched him in the face with full strength.

They were on the verge of attacking me when a police officer appeared. Panicking, I feared I might be considered a criminal too. I quickly took a random seat by the window and ordered a meal. The police officer arrested the troublemakers and escorted them away. I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders, had my meal, and returned home.

At exactly 10:30 p.m., I heard a beep sound. A man in a black suit was waiting for me outside the doors.

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