Chapter 08 - End Up Being A Dog

As I approached the man, I realized it was none other than Drake himself who had come to take me with him. I wondered why he had come alone to escort me to Lisa. Nonetheless, I got into the car. Inside, we didn't exchange any words; Drake drove while I silently admired the passing scenery, though I couldn't shake off the nervousness brewing within me. Having met Lisa twice already, and witnessing someone die each time because of me, left me uneasy.

We arrived at our destination, which wasn't a shady abandoned place or a club this time. Instead, it was a normal restaurant named "Chez Philippe." Drake instructed me to come inside; we were ten minutes early, and Lisa had yet to arrive. I noticed there was no one else, besides the staff, in the restaurant. I queried Drake about it, and he informed me that Lisa had reserved the entire place for herself. He then ordered drinks for both of us.

Curious about his methods for concealing his identity, I asked, "So, what do you do to hide your identity?"

"I'm the CEO of Black Dragon company," Drake replied.

I was taken aback by this revelation. "Black Dragon is one of the leading companies in the tech market. They specialize in laptops and accessories. It's hard to imagine that someone in the tech industry would be involved in such illicit activities," I mused aloud.

Drake looked at me intently and responded, "What illicit activities are you talking about? I've never been involved in drug supply like you, nor have I killed anyone so far."

"In that case, how did you end up in this position?" I inquired further.

"Haha, now is not the time for you to know that," Drake said, chuckling. We engaged in casual conversation and enjoyed some drinks. Despite it being 11 o'clock, there was still no sign of Lisa. I began to wonder if she would show up at all. However, after five minutes, she finally entered the restaurant, stunning everyone with her presence. Dressed in a red off-shoulder gown with a messy bun hairstyle, she exuded an unparalleled beauty that captivated everyone in the room.

"My, my! Aren't you looking adorable, ma'am," Drake greeted her.

"Adorable my ass; she's just a crazy psycho..." I thought to myself, but then reconsidered, "Maybe she's...a little."

Lisa smiled at me as Drake pulled out a chair for her. She graciously accepted and took her seat. I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy in her presence. As I glanced around, I noticed there were no bodyguards surrounding us this time. It was the first time I had seen her without security. Curious, I asked her about it.

"There's no need for bodyguards today as I've only planned to have a peaceful dinner," she explained.

"So...why did you bring me here?" I asked, turning to Drake.

"It was an order from ma'am, so I don't know the situation either," he replied.

"I just wanted to have a little chat with my dog here. Since it's been two weeks, I thought I should treat you to something," Lisa said with a hint of amusement.

I glanced at the menu, called the waiter, and ordered dinner for myself. Lisa ordered meals for both Drake and herself. As we began eating together, Lisa turned to me.

"I heard you're doing a pretty good job as a delivery boy," she remarked.

"Yeah...the manager is friendly with me and even gives me a free meal after work," I replied.

"Are you satisfied with the job?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on me.

I looked at her, pondering her question. Though I didn't give it much thought, I nodded in agreement as I continued eating.

"Tsk," she looked away, visibly disappointed, and began eating her meal.

"Did I say something wrong?" I glanced at her while continuing to eat. "She's acting strange. Oh well, maybe this lunatic had a few too many rounds before coming here."

Drake, who had been smiling moments earlier, now grew serious. We finished our meal together, and Lisa left for home without a word or even a glance in our direction.

"What's wrong with her today?" I asked Drake.

"I could ask you the same question," he replied sternly. "Lisa has high hopes for you, and yet you disappoint her every time you meet her."

"But what did I do? I just answered her questions today. I didn't even talk back to her," I defended myself.

"Yeah, but she was hoping for more from you," he snapped. "Can't you ever read a lady's mind?"

I fell silent, reflecting on the events of the past hour. I still couldn't quite grasp what had gone wrong. I asked Drake to explain.

"She asked you if you were satisfied with the job, you jerk," he shouted. "How dense can you be? Don't you remember the deal with her? Are you really satisfied with the job? If so, then'll become just like the other dogs we have. You'll either end up dead or arrested, and we won't even know or care about it."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I realized the mistake I had made. Desperate to rectify it, I asked if there was a way to contact her again.

"There's nothing I can do about it. You've become her permanent dog now, a dog she won't even look at. Just hope she gives you another chance, or else your life is stuck here forever," Drake replied gravely.

As we drove back to my place, I couldn't shake off the tension in the air. "What about our deal?" I finally asked, my gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

As we drove, Drake's words cut through me like a knife. "Prove your worth in front of Lisa first, then I'll help you," he stated firmly. "I don't train street dogs, as I know they are useless even against an untrained German Shepherd."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and a chill ran down my spine. My mind wandered to thoughts of my father. "I cannot allow myself to be stuck here," I whispered, the words barely audible. "Please, help me this last time. I'll never disappoint you again, I promise."

Drake remained silent, and eventually, he dropped me off in front of my room without saying a word.

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