Chapter 10 - Another Chance

I spent the entire night in the prison cell, my mind filled with thoughts of what awaited me. When morning came, to my surprise, Lisa appeared at the station with her bodyguards in tow. As she entered, her demeanor was serious, yet there was an undeniable aura of authority surrounding her. She seemed more like a celebrity than a mafia boss.

The police officer quickly stood up upon noticing Lisa's arrival, attempting to put on a fake smile. "What brings you here, ma'am?" he asked. "You could have sent one of your assistants to deal with the problem or called me so I could have come to you directly."

Ignoring the officer's attempts at pleasantries, Lisa walked over to me. I stood a bit away from her, uncertain of what to expect. She gestured for me to come closer, and I hesitantly obeyed. As she placed her hand on my cheek, a wave of confusion washed over me. "What is this woman thinking now?" I wondered.

After a moment, Lisa returned to the officer, the warmth from her touch still lingering on my skin. She retrieved documents from her lawyer and handed them to the officer. "That guy is my co-worker. Release him at once," she commanded, her tone laced with authority.

"Y-Yes, of course," the officer stuttered in response.

With that, I was released from the jail, and the officer apologized for his previous rudeness, citing that he was only following orders from his boss.

"Tell Michel Witblossom to start counting his days from now," I stated flatly, my emotions masked as I looked down at the floor.

Lisa observed me silently, and one of her bodyguards approached me, offering a shoulder to lean on as I limped away, my leg injured from the one-sided altercation in the prison the night before.

I exited the station ahead of Lisa, accompanied by her bodyguard, with Lisa following closely behind. She approached the police officer and issued instructions, "Whoever arrested him yesterday, tell him to come to my home tonight sharp at 9 p.m."

Once we reached the car, Lisa halted the guard. "I will take him to the hospital myself. All of you, come in different cars," she commanded.

I sat in the front seat beside Lisa, still grappling with confusion over the events unfolding. The entire police station seemed to bid farewell to her, and the individual she left the message with appeared visibly nervous. We headed towards the city hospital.

Driven by curiosity, I broke the silence. "About the other day, I'm sorry to disappoint you," I offered.

Lisa remained silent. 

"Who are you anyway? There's no way you would've revealed yourself to the policemen. So how were you able to bring your bodyguards with you?" I changed the topic.

"I am the next owner of Black Dragon company. Currently, the only one standing above me is my father," she disclosed. "I heard you fought quite admirably with your opponent yesterday. I never expected that a loser like you even knew how to fight," she added, mockingly.

"What's the point if I just ended up in the police station?" I replied, feeling disheartened.

She regarded me calmly and said, "You know... you are the second person alive who knows my identity as both a mafia and a company owner. The first one is—"

"Drake," I interrupted. "Well, he is the CEO of your company, so it makes sense."

"It seems that he decided to trust you after all," she remarked, smiling.

Though uncertain about the situation, her smile and the pleasant conversation put me at ease. I made a decision, "Lisa, I want you to give me another chance. I promise I'll prove my worth to you. After what happened yesterday, I just know that this world is totally messed up, and the poor will always suffer in front of the rich. Even the police don't care about fair judgment; only money speaks here."

She chuckled, "Looks like someone learned a pretty good lesson from all of it."

"So, it seems that you are ready to give me another chance?" I inquired. "Anyways, when you are already rich, then what made you enter this field? I mean, you have money, power, and there's no one else compared to your beauty."

"And who gave you the authority to ask me any questions?" she retorted with a hard tone. "You did a great job yesterday, and I revealed my identity in front of you. Continue proving your worth to me, and I'll continue to reward you."

Initially stung by her response, her final words sparked a sense of motivation within me. I was done playing the nice guy; it was time for me to rise from the ashes and exact revenge on everyone who had wronged me and my father.

Drake had arrived at the hospital before us and had already briefed the doctor about the situation. When we arrived, we were met by one doctor and three nurses who were awaiting our arrival. I felt uneasy under the unnecessary attention, while Lisa seemed to find amusement in my discomfort.

The doctor led me to his office and began his examination. He assured me that there was nothing serious to worry about, but he expressed some concern about the injury to my left leg. Drake stood by my side, instructing the doctor to proceed with surgery if necessary. Although the doctor sought my consent, he made it clear that with just a plaster, I could self-heal in six months, whereas surgery would reduce the recovery time to 6-8 weeks. Glancing towards Drake for guidance, he remained silent, prompting me to nod in agreement.

"Very well then! We shall schedule your surgery after two days from now to allow for adequate preparations," the doctor announced. Drake appeared somewhat disappointed with the doctor's recommendation, but before he could voice his dissent, I intervened, "That sounds fine to me. I'll be here in two days."

After the consultation, the nurse carefully tended to my injuries, applying bandages to my face and administering medication to alleviate the pain. Once the treatment was complete, Lisa issued a directive for me to stay at her house until I recovered fully, asserting that it was the safest place in the entire country. With no room for negotiation, I found myself nodding in reluctant agreement.

Back at the police station, when Michel arrived for his duty, he was taken aback to find my cell empty. Perplexed, he inquired with the other officers for information, and the officer to whom Lisa had left the message filled him in on the details.

"She did what?" Michel exclaimed in surprise.

Another officer, who had received my message, approached Michel and relayed the contents to him.

"That little piece of sh*t. How dare he mock me," Michel seethed with rage.

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