Chapter 11 - Michel Witblossom

After the doctor prescribed me some medications and advised against excessive movement, we departed from the hospital. Drake left first to attend a company meeting, while Lisa opted to accompany me to her residence.

Feeling nervous about visiting a woman's home, especially considering Lisa's father's affluent status, I couldn't help but show my apprehension. Lisa seemed to sense my unease and broke the silence, reassuring me, "My father doesn't live with me, so you don't have to be nervous."

I let out a nervous chuckle, replying, "Haha... That's a relief... I guess."

Meanwhile, back at the police station, Michel sat at his desk with a troubled yet angry expression. It was 11 a.m., and an eerie silence hung over the room. Suddenly, breaking the silence, a remark came from one of the inmates, "Seems like someone's gonna kick his ass today," followed by laughter from his companions.

Michel abruptly rose from his seat, gripped his baton, and marched into the jail. His rage unleashed, he unleashed a brutal assault on the inmates. After meting out his punishment, he exited the prison and dialed a number. "Hello, it's Michel. I've gotten into some trouble here."

After a thirty-minute drive, we finally arrived at Lisa's home, which resembled more of a mansion. I was awestruck just by glancing at the garden. As we stepped out of the car, two servants greeted us warmly. One of them offered assistance to help me move without much trouble. Upon entering the mansion, the living room alone seemed larger than the average country home, and I couldn't help but marvel at the opulence.

"Do you like my home?" Lisa inquired.

"This is not just a home..." I murmured, my gaze wandering around the grandeur, "This is a bloody mansion," I exclaimed, unable to contain my awe.

Lisa called for all her servants, totaling fifteen and all were ladies, along with her four home guards and one gatekeeper.

"This is Blurb Grimstone," she announced, gesturing towards me, "He is one of my companions and will be residing here indefinitely. I ask you all to assist him and ensure he feels comfortable here."

The announcement startled everyone, and murmurs began to spread among them. Some muttered comments like, "Look at his appearance," "He seems like a bad guy, how could our lady bring someone like him here?" and "I don't trust this guy, he's so unattractive too..."

Feeling the weight of their words, I remained silent, keeping my gaze fixed on the floor. Their remarks were hurtful, yet undeniably true. My appearance was unkempt, and my injuries only added to the perception that I was a questionable character.

"If anyone has any objections, feel free to voice them," Lisa interjected.

"Why did you bring him here? Couldn't he have just stayed at the hospital?" queried one of the female servants.

"Well, truth be told," Lisa began, "he was assaulted by one of my company's guards due to a misunderstanding that I caused. So, as an apology, I decided to let him stay here until he recovers completely. Is there anything else you'd like to ask?"

"But..." a home guard stepped forward, expressing doubt, "Are you sure we can trust this guy? He seems suspicious to me."

"Rest assured, history will not repeat itself this time," Lisa assured confidently.

After Lisa's reassurance, everyone seemed to accept my presence. Each of them introduced themselves.

"Dolly, Jenna, and Rosa will be taking care of you from now on," Lisa declared.

I nodded in acknowledgment. After the introductions, Dolly guided me to my room, which was located on the ground floor due to my leg injury.

Later at noon, around 2 o'clock, Rosa arrived to bring me lunch. She mentioned that Lisa had gone to her office and asked Rosa to stay with me until her return. Attempting to rise from the bed, Rosa insisted I eat my lunch there, as the doctor had advised against excessive movement. I complied and began eating, expecting Rosa to leave afterward. However, she remained by my side.

"Sooo..." I attempted to break the silence, "Why aren't there any male workers here besides the guards?" I inquired.

"It's because our lady doesn't like to be around men much, and we feel uncomfortable around them as well," she replied in a cold tone.

"Oh... I see, haha," I chuckled awkwardly. "By the way, do you have any books I can read here?" I changed the subject.

"Yes, we have a library in our mansion too," she confirmed. I requested an urban genre book, which she promptly fetched. Afterwards, I asked her to leave so I could read in peace, but she declined and opted to stay.

Meanwhile, at Lisa's office, she sat in her chair while Drake stood before her.

"The policeman called an unknown number when he heard about your invitation," Drake informed her.

"Were you able to gather any information about that person?" Lisa inquired.

"We still haven't identified who the person on the phone was, but we managed to obtain some details about the police officer who arrested Mr. Grimstone and injured his leg," Drake replied.

"Interesting. So who is this person who beat him so ruthlessly?" Lisa questioned.

"His name is Michel Witblossom. He's an inspector, and there are rumors that he's connected with a local gang. He joined the police force 12 years ago and currently owns an apartment and three flats in Memphis, as well as two flats in New York City. He's a bachelor, but there's a girl who meets with him frequently," Drake shared the information. "Also, the person beaten by Mr. Grimstone was none other than the son of Pearl's company CEO."

"Indeed, it seems our boy has chosen to play on the hardest difficulty for his first attempt," Lisa remarked with a smile.

"I concur," Drake agreed. "Dealing with minor gangs is usually no trouble, but antagonizing a successful company could pose challenges in the future."

"So, what's your plan, Drake aka Deimos?" Lisa inquired.

"Haha... It's been ages since I've heard that name," Drake chuckled. "But back to the matter at hand. Things are about to get interesting, so I'll support him as long as I see an opportunity for success."

"That's typical of you," Lisa said, gazing at him intently. "Bring 35-40 guards to my mansion tonight. Let's show Michel the true meaning of fear."

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