Chapter 7


“That's right, Raymond is good for nothing. He Casually pricked him with a few needles. How could he have saved your dad? It must be because your father has done too many good deeds. The Heavenly Father wouldn't accept him. That's why he came back to life”.

“All right, all right, let's hurry up and take your father for a physical examination. That way we can be more at ease”, Rebecca said. The mother and daughter helped Donald off the bed and went for a physical examination. Raymond was stunned for a moment and wanted to follow them. Dr Stephen suddenly came back to his senses and said to him, “young man, who are you?” Raymond said. I'm just an ordinary person”.

Impossible. If you were an ordinary person, how could you have known the rebirth acupuncture technique?”

Raymond smiled bitterly and muttered in his heart. “Even I freaking don't know how I know rebirth acupuncture and can it be from that old man years ago. Can it?” He said that he wanted to pass on his life's knowledge to me and that he sealed it in my body for five years.

Now that five years have passed, I mysteriously know medicine. Raymond shook his head. He felt that everything was so unreal. And then he quickly walked out of the ward. Dr Stevens was still shocked by Donald Rodriguez's miraculous recovery. After a while, he said to Dr Blake, who was also dumbfounded from rebirth acupuncture and how acupuncture techniques can be used to such perfection. “He's definitely not an ordinary person. Who is this young man called Raymond”, Dr Blake said. Isn't he just a son in law in the Rodriguez family? What's there to investigate? We can't just look at the surface”. Dr Steven said “this is a kind of person who lives under the radar. I think this young man is deliberately hiding himself. Otherwise, why didn't he save Donald Rodriguez earlier? Why did he have to wait a year to save him?”

Dr Blake suddenly thought of something. “By the way, they owe a month's medical expenses. They haven't paid yet, but why don’t we come to some kind of agreement with him for services,

Dr Stevens said impatiently. “Or do you want to pay a person who can use rebirth acupuncture to save a person? I'm not an ordinary expert. What are you waiting for? Quickly go and find out”

OK”. Dr Blake replied and walked out in the. ward. Dr Stevens was still stunned. He muttered to himself. “This young man knows rebirth acupuncture. Maybe he could save with a grandfather from the green family because his situation is almost the same as Donald's. It was all without any warning. Suddenly his brain died and went into a coma”.

Thinking of this, Dr Stevens quickly took out his phone and dialed a number. The call. was quickly picked up. A young woman's voice came from the other end. “This is Isabella”.

Dr Stevens suppressed the excitement in his heart and said “Isabella, your grandfather's illness can be cured”.

Isabella was stunned for a moment. “Uncle Harry, what did you say? Can Grandpa be saved? How is this possible? Grandpa's been in a coma for three years at that time. Almost all the famous doctors in the world came to see him. None of them could wake Grandpa a year ago. My father and I have spent a lot of money to recruit the best medical experts. We formed a research team to study and cure my grandpa's illness. Although they developed some new drugs with the research, they didn't manage to wake my grandpa up”.

“ Isabella, I told you earlier that relying on those foreigners and experts is useless, " said Dr Steven. But I've met a godly doctor. He's actually able to use the lost rebirth acupuncture technique to perfection. This person can save your grandfather”.

“Really?The legendary Rebirth acupuncture that is supposed to be able to reincarnate human flexion bones. I thought it was a lost technique?.

“But that young man somehow knows it. I saw it with my own eyes. He even saved a patient who had the same symptoms as your grandfather. So Isabella, this young man is the only hope to save your grandfather”.

“Who is he? Where is he now?”

“ I only know that his name is Raymond. He's the son-in-law of the Rodriguez family. As for the rest of the information, you know as much as I do. You could look into it, couldn't you?”

“ Don't worry. I'll send someone to investigate right now”.

Isabella said. With her family's power, it was easy to investigate a person's background and find out everything about them. “Isabella, remember, this person is not simple. He might be the only person alive who can save your grandfather. So you must sincerely and personally invite him. I think you should Understand”.

“ I understand Uncle Harry and thank you” Isabella hung up the phone, unable to suppress the excitement in her heart. Although she felt that what her uncle Harry said was not possible. She knew that he wouldn't lie to her. Since Uncle Harry said that a person could save her grandfather, then he could definitely save him.

Rebecca and Jessica took Donald back home after his physical examination. Just like Raymond said, apart from Donald's weak body, everything else was normal. This was unbelievable. More than that, it was great news to the members of the Rodriguez family that Donald had come back to life.

But no one gave Raymond the credit. Both Rebecca and Jessica firmly believe that it was because Donald had done good deeds for so many years that he was moved by the heavens and he was able to come back to life.

As for Raymond, it was just a blind man tripping over a wallet full of cash. Even Stephanie thought that it was just a coincidence. Because her useless husband, Raymond, couldn't possibly have medical skills. So although the people of the Rodriguez family were very happy, their attitude towards Raymond didn't change. Rebecca continued to shout at him, and when she returned home, she kept scolding him. “Trash, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and help your dad to bed so that he can have a good rest”.

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