Chapter 8


“Hey, go and get your dad a cup of water. Why are you so blind? **** Who asked you to sit on the sofa? Can't you see that it's almost dark? Hurry up and prepare dinner”.

Ignoring the scolding. Raymond remained expressionless. He did everything he was told because he was used to it. And two his father in law had come back to life. It was only natural for him to do helpful things for his father in law But his father in law, Donald, couldn't stand it any longer. He said to Rebecca and Jessica, “I'm fine. Now let Raymond rest for a while. Can't the two of you be nicer to him? We are family after all”. Raymond was busy in the kitchen alone.

Stephanie walked into the kitchen. “Let me help you”.

“No need. I can handle it alone. Stephanie, you go and keep that company”. Raymond said. An hour later, Raymond finished preparing dinner. The table was laden with dishes. The family sat around and started to eat because Donald had recovered. The family was in a good mood. The atmosphere, the dinner table was happy.

Although Rebecca and Jessica would scold Raymond from time to time. Raymond didn't care.

But this harmonious atmosphere didn't last long. When they were halfway through the meal, Stephanie's phone rang. She pressed the answer button and an anxious voice immediately came from the other end, “Miss Rodriguez, because of a lack of funds, the company is about to stop operating. What should we do?” It was. Stephanie's secretary and assistant, Anna, called.

“Miss Rodriguez, we must raise funds as soon as possible. Otherwise, the company will really go bankrupt. Right at this moment, the Anderson family is sending people over to make an offer on the company. The Rodriguez Group is worth several million, no matter what. But the Anderson's actually expect to bring you into selling at a price of 5 million other companies are covetously eyeing the company too. They think that we definitely won't be able to weather this storm, so they want to kick us while we're down. They want to force us to sell the company to the middle price. It's detestable”.

Anna was furious, and the bottom dropped out of Stephanie's good mood. Stephanie was furious. If they lost the company, the whole Rodriguez family would go crazy. “Anna, don't worry”. Stephanie said. “I'll think of something for you”.

She was as upset about the situation as everyone else. Stephanie, as the leader, still knew it was her job to comfort her subordinates. Anna, her assistant, said “Miss Rodriguez. We don't have much time left. The company's middle management staff are usually loyal to the company, but now some of them see that the company is going to go bankrupt. Someone even submitted a resignation letter and wanted to change jobs. But I convinced them to stay on for now. But the company is in a state of panic. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid they'll quit. Also, Miss Rodriguez, just now the eldest son of the Mallory real estate company. Christopher called and said that as long as Miss Rodriguez agrees to be with him, he will immediately…”

“don't…. say more. Stephanie interrupted Anna. Don't mention Christopher to me again”.

“But Miss Rodriguez, only Christopher can save our company now”.

“Alright, I'll think of something. Give me a little more time. You hold on at the company. Please. Anna”,

after Stephanie said that she hung up the phone, feeling frustrated. The family at the table was stunned. All eyes turned to Stephanie. Stephanie, the matters in the company have not been resolved yet?”.

Jessica asked. “It sounds like the company's really in hot water. Dear sis, what are we going to do if the company goes bankrupt? How will our family live?” She added. “We'll lose everything”. Rebecca took a breath and started again “Stephanie, I think you should promise to marry Christopher. I think he really loves you. You two are a match made in heaven. You should have been together from the beginning. Listen to me. Divorce this piece of trash immediately and go find Christopher. He will definitely be able to help you”

before Rebecca could finish speaking. Donald Angrily slammed his palm down on the table and said “is there another mother like you? Do you really want your daughter to make a deal with Christopher? Christopher is not a good thing. I said it before and I'll say it again. No matter how difficult it is for our family, we can't go and beg Christopher”.

“What are you talking about? I'm doing this for the sake of our daughter. What's wrong with Christopher? He's handsome and capable. If you hadn't stopped him, Stephanie would have married him long ago”.

Christopher had been pursuing Stephanie for a very long time, but Donald had never liked it. He was sure that Christopher was not a good person. If Stephanie married him, it would be like walking over hot coals later on. Raymond appeared and Donald received a secret letter. So without another word to anyone, he immediately married his daughter to Raymond Because of this, Christopher left the country in a fit of anger. But Donald didn't expect that after five years, Christopher still wouldn't give up and would come back to pester his daughter.

“Donald, I am not talking about you. I have no idea what you were thinking back then. You didn't want your daughter to marry Christopher, but you recruited this totally useless person to be your son in law. You ruined your daughter's life”. Rebecca complained. “If my daughter marries Christopherson, her wife will be ruined”. Donald said,

“you”.... Rebecca began, but Stephanie cut her off. Stephanie stood up anxiously and loudly said “enough!. Stop arguing. Can't you let me have some peace”. after saying that she left the dining table and wandered over to sit on the sofa. Raymond quietly stood up and walked over to sit beside her.

“Stephanie, don't worry. I'll think of a way to help you”. Raymond said his words immediately attracted Rebecca and Jessica's ridicule.

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