Chapter 9


“What can a piece of trash like you think of? Could it be that you can get $10 million to save my sister's company”.

“ He couldn't get 10 million even if he sold himself for medical experiments. Look at him. There's more value in Christopher's little finger than this piece of trash and marrying him brought on enough bad luck for 8 lifetimes”.

" Raymond didn't seem to hear their mockery. He saw his wife, Stephanie's flustered look and felt very sad and distressed Stephanie,

“It's just 10 million. I can think of a way to earn that much. I know I can't immediately but things will get better”. Raymond said.

And grabs Stephanie's hand Stephanie suddenly pulls her hand back and said agitatedly.

“Don't bother me. Can I have some quiet time, please”.

Jessica stood up from the dining table, pointed at Raymond and scolded. “Stop being disgusting here. $10 million. How can you get it just like that? What do you think you are other than making trouble for our family? Trash. What else can you do? I really don't understand the meaning of a person like you even being alive. If I were you, I would have taken a long dive off a tall building a long time ago”.

“Enough!. Stop talking”, Donald slammed his fist on the table again and said “Raymond has good intentions. Isn't he comforting your sister?” Jessica sneered. “Comfort, What use is comfort? Stephanie needs money if she's going to save the company” just as the family was wondering what to do next.

The doorbell suddenly rang. Rebecca angrily looked at the door and then scolded Raymond. “What are you standing there for? Go and answer the door”.

Raymond. stood up and walked to the door and opened it. There was a woman in her 20s standing outside the door. She was dressed in casual clothes and had a long ponytail. She looked very fresh and pretty behind her were two men in black.

Raymond was stunned. “Who are you looking for?” The woman smiled. “Is this Mr Hernandez's residence?” Raymond was stunned again.

“Mr Hernandez, why do these words sound so awkward?” Because no one had ever called him Mr Hernandez, Raymond frowned. “You are looking for me, but I don't know how you” Raymond felt depressed. He'd never seen this woman before. Although this woman dressed casually, her demeanor was not something ordinary people generally had.

“My name is Isabella. Although you don't know me, I know you. Can I come in and talk to you?” The woman looked inside, when Rebecca heard Raymond talking to someone outside the door. Rebecca impatiently shouted. “Who is it?” Raymond stepped back and let the woman into the room As for the two men in black, they stayed outside the door.

“Sorry to bother you. I'm here to talk with Mr Hernandez”. The woman said, the people of the Midwire family were stunned.

Jessica said. “What did you say, Mr Hernandez? Holy cow. You actually called him Mr. Why does it sound so funny?” Rebecca said. Who are you? We don't know you. Why are you looking for that piece of trash?”

Isabella. frowned at the way they were talking about Raymond with him standing right there. What weird relationship did this family have with the man? as the head of the family and a kind old man. Donald politely stood up and said to Isabella, “a guest is a guest, too. Miss, please have a seat and say what you need to Raymond.

She smiled politely. “Thank you. No need. I'm here to issue an invitation to Mister Hernandez. After saying that, she turned her eyes to Raymond, who was standing to one side. You are Mr Hernandez, right? Can you come with me, please?”

Raymond said “I don't really know you. Are you sure you have the right person?” Isabella nodded.

“I do. I've seen your photo. It can't be wrong. Mr Hernandez, I sincerely invite you to come with me. Is that?”

“OK”, Raymond shook his head. “No, not until I know where you want me to go”

“to my house”. Isabella replied,

Jessica asked “you want this piece of trash to go to your house?”Raymond was stunned. The others were also stunned. No one had a clue of what this woman was trying to do. Rebecca, however, jumped to her feet. She shouted out as if she had just discovered Raymond's dirty little secret. “Trash, what is your relationship with this woman? She's. brazenly asked you to go to her house with her. Why would she want you to do that? The two of you don't tell me the two of you have that kind of relationship. Raymond, you haven't been cheating on my daughter, have you?”

Hearing these words, a trace of anger flashed across Isabella's face. Anywhere else, if someone dared to be so disrespectful to her, miss green, she would have already gotten someone to throw this middle aged woman out as. much as she'd love to do it, she couldn't do it now.

She needed Raymond to do something for her. Besides, this wasn't her house, so she didn't have the authority. Isabella was a steady and calm person who did things without showing her emotions. So even though her unhappiness flashed across her face, she continued to maintain a smile and said, “don't. misunderstand me. I'd like Mr Hernandez to come to my house to treat my grandfather”.

Hearing her words, the people of the Rodriguez family were even more dumbfounded. “What about treating illnesses? What do you mean? They chorused”

“About that, my grandfather has an illness that is exactly the same as Mr Rodriguez's illness”. Isabella said and looked at Donald before she arrived. She had investigated this family thoroughly. Isabella continued.

“ I didn't believe it at first, but now I see that Mr Rodriguez has been completely cured by Mr Hernandez. I can see that Mr Hernandez is like a living God with incredible skills. So I would like to ask Mr Hernandez to come with me”.

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