Chapter Nine


Stepping into the White Hunters guild, Jacob headed directly towards the Training Centre of the White Hunters guild. By the time Jacob got there, the Training Centre was already packed full of people. Looking around, he saw the Twins waving him over. Arriving in front of the twins, Jacob nodded as a form of greeting. Kayden nodded in reply, and Nikita smiled at him.

"Do you know what Tianis's Awakened element Is??", Nikita asked.

"No, I don't need to know it", Jacob replied.

"Wow, what confidence ", an unknown voice remarked; Looking for the owner of the voice, Jacob saw a sturdy young man smiling at him. The man looked more like a bodybuilder from Jacob's real world.

"Hi, I'm Jason, you're Jacob right??", the man introduced

"Yes, I am. Are you an Awakened of the White Hunters guild??", Jacob asked.

"In a way, he is. He is one of the Heaven Chosens of our White Hunters guild. He is ranked 7th", Nikita replied, cutting off Jason.

Hearing that the Heaven's Chosens were ranked
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