Rodin, the demon of division, rose from the depths of the underworld, with his eyes gleaming with an ominous light. His demonic power was a unique one; he had the ability to split himself into three different entities.

Sanxi and Kilish had barely finished recovering from their previous battle with Moorax when they heard the news of Rodin's arrival. They knew that this was going to be a tough fight, but they had no idea what they were up against.

Rodin appeared before them, his body splitting into three identical copies of himself. Each copy had a distinct aura of darkness around them, and the air was thick with the stench of sulfur.

"Welcome, warriors," Rodin said, his voice cold and sinister. "I have come to claim your souls, and you shall not stand in my way."

Sanxi and Kilish stood firm, their determination to protect their kingdom and people unwavering.

"Your threats mean nothing to us," Kilish replied, his voice filled with conviction. "We will never allow demons like you to harm
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