"I know you may have several questions and I assure Serena will be there to answer them all. That's all, Ryan. I need to go and lay down now. I love you my son, always have, always will" Bethany concluded.

The video ended.

Ryan's eyes remained widened.

"And that's where I come in" Serena jumped in, shutting her laptop.

Ryan remained speechless.

"Look, I know you had a rough childhood and all and I sympathise with you. If it makes you feel any better, she always mentioned your name in her happy moments, talking about how she wished you were with her...".

"What's your purpose?" Ryan cut in sharply, his face devoid of any emotion.


"Why are you here?" Ryan repeated.

Serena was confused, opening her mouth but no words came out.

"Is it to appeal to my sympathy or get me to buy into this little seeking redemption act that my mother came up with?" Ryan posed.


"Save it! I don't need you, my mother's or my goddamn father's sympathy for that matter! Where was she when I had to go nights without food? Or when I was working late hours at my father's business parties even with the bruises from my stepmother's punishments? Or wait, where was she when reporters leaked my pictures as a teenager and my father denied me wholeheartedly? She could've stepped up then, they would've believed her. We're fucking identical for God's sake!...Ow!" Ryan ranted in anger, pausing to press his hand on his chest.

Serena rushed to him, brushing her hands over his.

"Hold on, relax, take a deep breath, Ryan. Can you do that?" Serena urged him.

Ryan took a deep breath as instructed. He was intrigued to see the same woman who looked like a mafia goddess just a few minutes ago, rushed to attend to him and handled the situation with so much ease.

"Look, Ryan, we can sit here all day and I can listen to you rant over what you deserve and what you don't but it won't change a thing. I'm a very realistic person and I'll tell you the truth as it is. Your mother is gone and so is your father, theoretically. Where am I going with this? This is your time to shine, Ryan. Bethany's empire has massive shares in the biggest corporations in this part of town including the Daniels, the Jordans and most importantly, your father's, the Williams. The best part, your father has no clue she was the head. Her investments keep them in business. Bethany was a smart business woman, all you have to do is take over from where she stopped and you can play by your own rules. You will become the main character in your story for once".

"I won't force you to switch up your life to suit your mother's wishes so easily. I'll give you some time to think. She's also asked me to spread her entire net worth between orphanage homes across the country in the event that you decide to refuse it.".

Ryan peered at the window, deep in thought.

Serena picked up her bag and placed her laptop back into it.

Then she handed a small plastic card to him.

"Here's my card. Just give me a call whenever you're ready".

Ryan remained still, not moving an inch.

Serena rolled her eyes, placing the card carefully on the bedside table.

She walked down to the door, taking small strides in the hopes that Ryan would budge.

Then she turned at the door.

"Oh, your wounds are going to heal in a few days. Also, you can stay here for the meantime so you don't get beat up again. I paid for the full month and there's an envelope filled with money for food and other necessities" she added.

Ryan remained unmoved. Serena walked out and shut the door.

Ryan stretched his hands to the bedside table immediately, picking up the envelope he had strangely not noticed before.

He took out the fat wad of cash placed inside and counted the notes. It was a little over ten thousand dollars in total, and he was shook.

He had never received such a sum in his life and even if he knew it likely came from his mother's earnings, he couldn't refuse it. He needed it. He had a plan.

As much as he didn't want to give his mother and her team the satisfaction of reuniting with her wealth and taking over from her, he needed money for a few necessities to stand on his own.

He got down from the bed, moving cautiously to avoid triggering the pain from his wounds. His leg kicked against a duffel bag under the bed and he pulled it out, curiously.

Ryan found the zip and sat on the chair to examine the contents of the bag.

One after the other, he brought out a few sets of clothes that looked brand new as they were still in the packs, two pairs of shoes that were exactly his size, a brand new phone, clothing accessories, a few pieces of jewelry and perfumes.

It was strange that Serena had been this prepared for him. She definitely had some questions to answer.

Ryan could not help but admit that he was grateful for the contents of the bag. At least it was going to help with the first phase of his plan: getting a job.

Ryan set up the phone and left the room to get some food. He didn't recognise the area that the motel was located at, but it appeared hidden enough for him to start a new life there.

Ryan found his way to a small fast food establishment and had some food to his fill. He ate cautiously, watching for anyone who would happen to recognise him so he could quickly dash out.

After eating, Ryan took a walk down the road, his eyes travelling through the signposts on the entrance of business places for anyone he could possibly apply for.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he stopped right in front of an old rundown bar. The letters DANNY'S BAR spread out on the old signpost at the entrance. Ryan smiled. He knew he couldn't work just anywhere with barely any experience. This was his only chance. He just needed to heal completely first.

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