Ryan walked into the bar with confidence, adjusting his tie. He spotted a few people sipping their drinks and engaged in different conversations. All of a sudden, they paused to stare at him.

Ryan was confused. He had never had such an effect on anyone. It had to be his makeover. Ryan took the opportunity to wink at one of the few ladies who were obviously ogling at him.

He felt like a god at that moment. He was invincible…

“Excuse me, are you here to order anything or look for someone?” A voice asked.

Ryan turned and his eyes met the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

“Oh no, I'm actually here to apply for a job. Is your boss in?” Ryan asked.

“Oh, that's a wild assumption. I'm definitely not the boss, but he's my brother. I'm not a worker here” She answered with a straight face.

“Thank you. Your eyes are beautiful though” Ryan blurted, staring at her enchanting green eyes.

He had always been a firm believer in genuine compliments even if he had not received a lot of them in his lifetime.

“Yeah, I get that a lot. Why don't you focus on getting a job in this crap hole and then try to woo me when you have enough money, huh?” She spat, walking out the door immediately.

“I would not woo you even if you were the last woman left. Just a friendly compliment which you probably never get. Learn to appreciate them” Ryan blurted, surprising himself.

She stopped in her tracks, taking an irritated glance back at him.

A wide smile spread across Ryan's face. It was the first time he had ever taken charge of a situation like this when someone thought they were much better than him.

Ryan watched her storm off to her beaten-down car and drive away.

“Hello, are you new here? Have a seat and my servers will attend to you soon” a male voice said.

“Good day, My name is Ryan Roberts and I am here to apply for the job of bartender” Ryan explained.

“Oh, fantastic. We've been in need of one for quite a while. Just follow me to my office” the man instructed, taking him to another section of the bar.

They walked past what resembled a small kitchen before arriving at a small room which Ryan assumed was his office. There were just two chairs separated by a creaky old desk.

“Have a seat please” the man instructed.

Ryan obeyed, watching the man sit opposite him and adjust some scattered items on the desk.

He looked like he would be slightly older than Ryan but with a ton of experience because he spoke like he was comfortable enough to have been in the business for a really long time.

And from the looks of it, it seemed like he had a less than perfect relationship with his sister.

“My name is Daniel Piers. I am the CEO and owner of this small bar establishment” he began, stretching his hand forward.

Ryan took his hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Piers. My name is Ryan Roberts” Ryan answered.

“Great to meet you as well, Ryan. I could've sworn I've heard your name somewhere before. Do you have any experience with bartending?” Nathan asked.

“Yes I do. I used to tend at the parties my father catered for. Um…he was a bartender himself and he taught me everything I know. I'm a little rough around the edges now but I can assure you, I'm a fast learner Mr. Piers.” Ryan confessed.

His mind wandered back to the numerous parties he had worked at with the other servants as a teen. Parties that his father threw for his stepmother and step siblings at different occasions.

He could remember the person who had actually taught him to mix drinks and cater for these parties, a former housekeeper at the Williams Mansion and the only one who had genuinely cared for him.

“That's fantastic. So you will show me a little peek of what you can do before we continue. Let's go down to the bar” Daniel requested.

Ryan wowed Daniel even with his out-of-touch skills and since he was desperate, Ryan was awarded the job immediately.

“Thank you for this opportunity Mr. Piers. I will not disappoint you” Ryan appreciated him.

“Thank you as well, Ryan. You start next week” Daniel responded.

Daniel walked back to his office and Ryan's attention shifted to the television on the wall.

Vanessa and another man sat side by side on a television interview show which seemed to have ended.

“And there you have it folks! The heir to the Jordan Empire, Vanessa Jordan, and her ex-boyfriend, Nathan Daniels who are now back together, are expecting a child together. They are also hinting at a wedding ceremony in the future. Stay tuned for more developments!” The interviewer spoke cheerily as all three of them waved at the cameras.

Ryan's anger was rekindled. Now they were just trying to make him look like a fool. He was going to have the last laugh and he would make sure of it.

Ryan rushed back to his room at the motel and took out Serena's card, dialing the number on it.

"Look who finally came around" she began.

"I have my terms".

"That's fine. The whole thing is yours, Ryan. You're welcome to play by your rules. Do you want to stay at Bethany's mansion? Do you want to get a new place? it's all up to you" Serena responded.

"You don't understand. I want everything she listed in the will but I don't want it linked to me just yet" Ryan explained.

"I'm not sure I follow, Ryan" Serena told him.

"Look, I can't go into details but I have a situation, I have an unborn child who is at risk of ending up as another man's child and I don't have proof to show that it's my child. It's confusing, I know. Now what I want is to lay low. You said I could play by my rules right? Well I simply want to lay low, get a stand in CEO while I handle all the real business, so I can get access to my child after the birth" Ryan expressed.

"Oh wow. Well that can be arranged, Ryan. I'll just need to meet with you at the motel in about an hour so we can discuss the details" Serena responded.


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