Ryan sat behind the counter at Danny's Bar, his new workplace. He had quickly become a favorite in the bar as a result of his brushed-up bartending skills.

His reformed look earned him a special spot as the eye-candy for the groups of female friends who usually came around the bar to hang out.

His coworkers, the other servers who worked away from his designated spot, quickly fell in love with his wit and free personality and began to enjoy his company and show him the ropes around his new job.

It was safe to say that his first week at Danny's Bar was great enough especially since he had been used to the hatred and disgusted looks he had gotten most of his life.

Ryan's life was starting to look up a little. It was not the best fresh start but he was just thankful to be free.

Everything was going well at the bar until Ryan saw HIM.

The same man who he had seen appear with Vanessa on different television talk shows and interviews, the supposed father of her unborn child, Nathan Daniels.

Ryan's blood boiled but he had to maintain his composure all the same.

Nathan strutted in with an exaggerating air of confidence, oddly examining the area like he was very familiar.

Some of the servers rushed to him as he crossed the door and immediately Ryan knew that he was someone very important to the establishment.

Someone whom they were lucky to even have, considering his recent shot of fame with Vanessa's drama.

Just thinking about this, gave Ryan a bad gut feeling.

Nathan ignored the swarm of servers around him and shot a quick glance at Ryan.

Ryan prepared his mind for the worst.

As the servers walked away, Nathan followed closely behind one of the female servers who was equally walking towards Ryan's point and placed his hands on her ass, squeezing roughly.

Ryan was disgusted.

The lady turned with fury in her eyes and just as she raised her hand to give him a slap, she stopped immediately, dropping her hands and storming off to the back in anger.

Ryan did not understand what was going on but he watched Nathan simply chuckle at the disgusting act and it enraged him.

“Women and drama, am I right?” He began, chuckling again.

Ryan ignored him, arranging some of the drinks on the cabinet.

“Hey fella, you look crazy familiar. I know I've definitely seen you somewhere and it's certainly not among wealthy folks, am I right or am I right?” Nathan teased.

Ryan remained mute, tending to the drinks and rearranging them in an order.

“You know you can ignore me all you want, it doesn't make up for the fact that you will forever be beneath me and my lovely family" Nathan leaned in to whisper.

Ryan's breathing increased, as he felt Nathan's words getting to him. He couldn't show any slight sign of weakness however.

“Damn you you filthy piece of shit!” Nathan thundered, banging on the tabletop.

“You have nothing to say because you know I'm right” Nathan said, justifying himself.

Ryan was a bit relieved that his silence had gotten to Nathan.

“Would you like anything to drink, sir?” Ryan asked, pretending like Nathan had not been talking to him for the past few minutes.

“You, you…I'll show you!” Nathan threatened.

“What's going on here?” That was Daniel.

“Hey Nathan! Been a while buddy” Daniel exclaimed, pulling Nathan in for a hug.

“Yeah, you know with all the drama surrounding my girlfriend and our baby, I've been held up with a lot recently. I know you can understand what it feels like with all this wealth and how much everyone wants to just get their hands on you for an interview” Nathan spoke, his eyes never leaving Ryan.

Daniel muttered a ‘yeah bud’ and patted his shoulders.

Ryan's mind wandered to how someone as wealthy as Nathan and a middle-class man like Daniel managing to keep his small business up and running, became friends.

“I heard someone bang a table, Ryan. What happened?” Daniel asked, facing Ryan.

“Oh that was me. I was just enlightening your little bartender here, about my status around here” Nathan spoke, unapologetically.

“Why? I hope he didn't do anything to upset you, Nathan” Daniel asked, concerned.

“Oh no. It's just…with his reputation and all, I thought he should know I am not one to mess with” Nathan answered.

“What reputation? What do you mean? Is there anything you forgot to tell me, Ryan?” Daniel asked, fearing the worst.

“I…it's just…” .

“You haven't heard? He was the foolish and clumsy server at Hans Jordan's famous dinner party that bumped into him and made him spill his drink on himself. Quite shameful”.

“Ohh that was why you looked oddly familiar to me the day I hired you” Daniel confirmed.

“I hope you won't be spilling any drinks on anyone here though, or I might have to fire you” Daniel teased.

“I will not, sir. You have my word” Ryan responded with a straight face.

“Good”. Nathan said as the two chuckled, walking down to one of the seating spaces.

Daniel signalled for one of the servers who rushed to attend to them as they talked for long, laughing at intervals.

Ryan soon learned that Nathan was a regular visitor and large donor to the bar, so no matter what behavior he exhibited towards the servers, Daniel would turn a blind eye and welcome him with open arms when he would come around next.

It was a disgusting relationship between the two, but Ryan could do nothing about it.

He still had to lay low until after Vanessa's birth when he would request a DNA for the child for the entire world to know their dirty secrets.

Most of the times, Nathan would come around the bar with his friends and some ladies who were almost naked and they would rent out the bar for the day, taking multiple shots and throwing money in the air as the ladies danced for them seductively.

Ryan wondered what Nathan told Vanessa's family for them to let him ruin his image in such a manner.

“He's supposed to have a pregnant girlfriend ” Ryan heard one of the female servers say one day.

“Yeah, he's the most disgusting, irresponsible millionaire it has ever been my displeasure to lay my eyes on ” another one commented, with the strongest hint of hatred.

“I wonder why he comes here when he could be at five star restaurants or clubs since he claims to be a millionaire”.

“The current drama in his life, I'm assuming. The media will easily get a shot of him being anything but their sweetheart if he goes to a well known club”.

“Yeah, makes sense”.

“I just want to expose his lies so much! Ughh!”.

“Except you'll be perfectly fine without a job for the rest of your life, you can go ahead. You know how Daniel worships him and how much connections Nathan has”.

“I can't wait till my shift is over so I don't have to see anymore of this freakshow”.

“Me too”.

As much as Ryan itched to find a way to record him and expose his lies, he knew it would be useless because the Jordan family would find a way to cover it up and if he insisted on pursuing it, he would blow his cover before he even had the evidence to fight for his child. Besides, Nathan's personal life was none of his business. Vanessa's was.

He was going to fight for his child. The only issue was that he would have to watch Vanessa give full paternal custody to the egomaniac he despised with his life in the meantime.

For now, he had to work on perfecting his cover and ease his way into Nathan's circle so he could gain the access he needed for the right timing.

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