Mr Liam's birthday

A week later, Norah bought herself a new apartment. She returns home on a faithful day and feels like eating the meal she once had in the Kingston office.

" I won't be eating the dinner you prepare today. I need something more special." She said to Lynn her Beautiful and hardworking chef.

"Why would you like to eat, ma.?" She asked Norah.

"Don't worry, it will soon be delivered." Norah answered her and picked up her phone. She dialed  Sherman number that had been given to her by Kingston.

Hello,""she said after Sherman had picked up the call.

"Am I speaking with Liam and her daughter, the best restaurant manager.?" She asked Sherman on the phone.

"Yes, and how can we help you.?" He replied to her. Norah introduced herself properly and made mention of what she wanted.

" That will be done soon." He answered her. After which they cut the call on each other. Sherman hearing the personality whom have called, he check around, about sending Lucas, he realized that Renee had sent for Lucas. " He is in the best position to deliver this." Sherman spoke to himself so worried. " Nevertheless, someone else has to do that." He said and instructed the food should be delivered to Norah by one among the deliverer.

However, Lucas and Renee, at the same time, got ready for Liam's birth, which was announced on the radio.

"Are you aware that the birthday will be attended by wealth personnel?" She asked Lucas only to intimidate him at that moment.

"I am aware of what is set to happen there." He answered.

"So what do you have for him? You are his son-in-law; due to this, much is expected from you." She spoke, resting her leg on the table.

"I have a surprise for him, which won't be told here." He replied, smiling.

" Seriously.!" She asked to be surprised. "How then did you get the money used in purchasing the surprise gift.? Because I still remember when you told me about using your savings at that moment in the purchase of the wine."

"It was a slip of the tongue," Lucas exaggerated.

"It should be better. I won't tolerate any form of disappointment from you." She warned him. "Although Xavier has also gotten a present, which he has refused to relate to me, as you planned." Renee spoke.

Lucas cleared his throat,as he was hurt again.

"What is the meaning of what you have just done.?" she asked him.

"I was hurt after you brought in Xavier into the phase," Lucas complained.

"Mist he be discussed even after knowing that you are cheating with him before me?"

Renee hissed at him and answered, putting her leg down from the table. "He is more special to me than you are." "Do you want to quit the marriage.?" she asked him, knowing Lucas wouldn't accept quitting the marriage as the orphan he is.

Two days later, at the birthday hall,.

Lucas and Renee appeared to be so beautiful and handsome that she couldn't hold his hand while they walked into the party hall. "Who is he?" Liam's friend Lox asked.

" Oh! Liam exclamed. "The one coming.?" He asked. "He is my daughter's chef; he is also the best chef in all my hotel establishments." He answered.

"He is looking so handsome," Lox whispered in Liam's ear.

Meanwhile, Lox was surprised to see Lucas and Renee sitting at the same table, with Xavier at her right hand.

It was then time for the MC to speak.

He held the microphone while introducing the family members to the audience.

Although Lucas had already been known by all as Liam's son-in-law, with the negligence on his part from the family,.

"So he is your son-in-law." Lox said to Liam and wife Isabella.

"Not really." Isabella answered and had to meet with the MC to make the introduction proper. Meanwhile, Liam was called for a speech.

"Today marked my 50th birthday celebration, and I am grateful to everyone who has left his or her comfort home to celebrate me. My heart is full of joy, and I will forever appreciate your efforts." Liam appreciated his guests. 

The next comes the cutting of cake. Lucas was left behind, and Xavier, whom the family knows, was more celebrated in place of Lucas. "I have known it; I know this will happen." Lucas complained within himself but endured it all until it was time to present Liam with a gift. Everybody presented their gift. Lox handed over Liam a check for $5 million, while Xavier offered the same amount.

Lucas, on his hands, had a wristwatch worth $300. He handed it to Liam.

"What is the meaning of this.?" Renee asked him before everyone.

"I warned you not to disgrace yourself, but you have done that even worse." She added. "You must be out of your senses." Isabella said to Lucas as she pointed at him.

"I shouldn't believe that this is your own gift to me. As you can see, the least expensive gift here is a million-dollar item. Why are you mocking yourself? Liam asked him aggressively.

"This is what I can afford." He answered Liam.

"If you say so." Liam told him, and right there, he called for his hotel manager and also the restaurant manager, all of whom were present at the party.

"From today on, Lucas shouldn't be paid for his service in any of my establishments; the same goes with Renee establishments, until he is able to render free service worth five million dollars to the family," Liam passed the instructions to both managers. Everyone laughed at Lucas, as did Renee.

"That is best for you." Isabella said to Lucas:.

"How will I be able to provide for my personal needs?" He asked Liam.

"You can sort yourself out." Isabella answered him.

Lucas felt insulted and left the hall.

"You have given him the best punishment ever, and I am pleased with it." Renee spoke to her parents. However, the birthday celebration continues in Lucas absence.

Lucas couldn't sleep on a cold night; he had been awake thinking all through what to do.

"Is it a crime to marry from the billionaire family?" I have been treated like the black sheep of the family." He placed his hands on his cheek, looking at the moon from the window. "I grew up not knowing my parents, only to find myself guided by Mr. Richardson, who passed away about six years ago." Lucas shook his head in pity as he remembered the past. "If he were to be alive, he would have changed my life with the little he has. Although I can't trace any of his properties, they have been taken by his brother." 

" Nevertheless, I have hope of a better life some day." Lucas concluded and laid straight on the bed with his head facing the ceiling. "I have to pay back the money borrowed to get the gift. But where exactly do Liam and his family expect me get such without my salary?" Lucas shook his head again, little  was he carried away by a deep sleep.

Lucas be addicted to the alerm, had to stopped it when it rang, it sound so disturbing in his ear.

"Oh God!" "What have I gotten myself into?" He asked himself and hit the alerm clock on the floor there into pieces.

Lucas slept off again, but this time he had to wake up a few minutes before his resumption time.

"I am almost late to work." Lucas jumped from the bed, ran into the bathroom, and took his shower. He was fast in brushing his teeth, same in wearing his cloth.

"I have to be fast." He hurried up, and with the sound of the birds, Lucas got to know that he was a few minutes late to work.

"I have to work harder this time" Lucas told himself as he was leaving his room. Unknown to him, Renee was watching him from her window, where she saw him leave while she was applying cream to her body and getting ready for work.

"Incompetent husband." Renee said Alone  in her room.

Lucas arrived at the office and was lucky not to have met with Sherman. He ran into the kitchen and had to prepare the meal of the day. Which was distributed among all Liam and family restaurants, including the hotels, all good prepared by Lucas was handed over to the  chef in various Liam and family restaurant and hotel.

"I'm tired and need some rest," Lucas said to himself a few hours after cooking.

"What are you doing here.?" Sherman asked him. "Do you know we have a shortage of food.?"

"I know, I am getting ready to prepare more." Lucas answered him. "But I need to rest; I'm not the only chef here." Lucas answered him boldly.

Sherman got pissed off with Lucas reply; he raised his hands and was about to slap Lucas when Lucas dodged it, allowing Sherman to hit his hands on the wall.

"You bastard, you have injured me." Sherman said to Lucas, feeling the pain that came from the blow in the wall.

"That's just a lesson." Lucas answered him and left for the kitchen to get more meals ready.

"I will deal with you." Sherman assured Lucas even after Lucas had left.

A few hours later, Norah called for her food to be delivered to her.

"That will be done now." Sherman answered her on the phone. He thought of whom to deliver the meal to Norah.

"The delivermen are all around. Meanwhile, I will like them to do their job," he said, leaving his office. Sherman remembered Lucas and had to draw back. "He made me injured myself, so therefore, he will have to pay for it by being a Norah food deliveryman from today on." Sherman concluded that on Lucas, She laughed and called on the receptionist, who passed the information to Lucas.

"Why is he so wicked? He knew I would be tired by now, yet he wants me to deliver a meal to Norah." Lucas got angry, yet he had no option other than to do that since it was listed in his job description.

Lucas got into the bathroom and took his shower. There, he dressed smartly, and with the shower, he had a little release of stress.

He dished the Norah food in the takeaway and had packaged it nearly.

"I am set to go." He said to him, got into the car, and drove off.

"This shall henceforth be part of my duty, said  Sherman. Lucas spoke to himself while handling the steering wheel.

Shortly after, he arrived at Norah's house.

"This should be the building." He said he had to park outside the gate.

Norah was standing on the first floor of her building when she sighted Norah.

"What a handsome man is this.?" She exclamed. "Wooo!", he must be one of the food deliverers.' She added and called on Evelyn, her personal assistant.

"Direct the deliveryman to the dining table and pay him for the service," she instructed Evelyn.

However, Lucas got closer to the gate and knocked.

"How can I help you.?" The security man asked him, eyeing Lucas from head to toe and with his hands on the gate.

"I am your madam's new food deliverer, and this is her meal with me." He replied to the gateman.

"Okay, come while I verify with her." The security man allowed Lucas in, but Lucas was asked to wait behind while the security man put a call across to Renee.

"I made the demand, so let him in." Renee answered him while he was complaining about seeing a new face.

Lucas walked down to the door. Although Norah had confirmed the change from Sherman, she accepted that and was comfortable with Lucas appearance.

"Hold on, I'm coming." Evelyn answered be the moment she had heard the door knock at the door.

"I am Lucas, Miss Norah's new deliveryman." Lucas introduced himself to her.

"I was told about it earlier." Evelyn answered Lucas and asked him to come over to the dining room. Lucas did as he was told; he dropped the meal on the dining table.

"The payment has been made to the cashier through the banking app." Evelyn showed him the proof.

"Alright, I have to take my leave then." Lucas said to her, then left Norah's house.

"He is handsome, neat, and smart at the same time. He doesn't look like a deliveryman. He must have been different from others." Norah, watching him from the first floor of the building, spoke to herself.

She took the glass of wine served to her by the housekeeper and sipped from it.

"I am hungry and need to eat." Norah added and stood in the dining room. Just as she has always loved the meal, she appreciates the cook.

"Whoever prepares this must be a good chef." She said this while enjoying the meal. Meanwhile, Lynn heard her and said, "He did it." She answered Norah even when Lynn wasn't the one Norah spoke to.

"I doubt you, Lynn." Norah answered her.

"You can as well verify yourself." Lynn answered.

"Why haven't you been able to prepare this for me? Is it difficult.?" Norah asked Lynn.

"Miss Norah, I can do my best if only you permit me." She answered Norah.

"Then make it ready for lunch tomorrow, just fried rice and chicken with vegetables on it, and if you succeed in making such, you will then have to prepare the neck day, which is swallow." Norah told her, and she kept enjoying the meal.

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