Lucas is cheated

Lucas was still nursing his pain when Renee came out.

"You are still sitting here?" Renee asked him aggressively. "Get us two glasses of wine, and do that quickly." She instructed him. Lucas, lifting his eye on her, said:.

"You have turned me into a messenger."

"You don't have a specific job in this house." She pointed at him. "You expect me to ask Lina to do so, or who, while I have you around. Do just as you have been instructed." She added, and she lifted even after hissing at him. She got to the room and leaned her head on Xavier's lap.

"Has he got to get it.?" He asked Renee.

"It will soon be served." She answered him.

Five minutes later, Lucas knocked at the door.

"Come in, please; the door is open." Renee answered. Lucas has the glass of wine on the wine carrier. Renee said. "Bring it here."

Lucas reluctantly brought it closer to them.

Renee stretches her thumb as a lever and anchors the base to her folded index finger, as does Lucas, as they lift the glass each at once.

"You can leave now." Xavier said to him: Lucas stood, biting his lips, when Renee got annoyed and poured the wine on him. "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear him.?" She asked him and instructed him to replace the same quantity of wine with his money in two days' time.

"Where do you want me to get it from.?" Lucas asked curiously.

"Whatever you have to do to get it, young man, do it. All I want is the wine." " You can hold the empty glass of wine." She answered him.

Lucas kneeling down before Renee and Xavier, and she shouted at him. "Your life savings can't afford it; it is a sign that you are valueless to me." She added and commanded him. "Leave here now." She shouted at him.

Lucas leaves with the glass in his hands.

"Isn't this an expensive drink? She requests a replacement.! He asked himself, pondering the glass. "Where on Earth can I afford it? I only have $500 saved. I have kept that in the purchase of a gift for my  father-in-law if I fail to do so, I will be scorned the more." He added and breathed down. "I have no option but to go out there's and make a search for it." Lucas concluded.

The next day, after work, Lucas decided to get the wine from the wine brokers.

" Good day." The cashier greeted me. " How can I help you sir.?" She added. Lucas smiled, adjusted his tie and answered. 

" Can I see the list of wine brands in your stores.?" Speaking in a deep voice.

" You can go round and check yourself." She said to him, Lucas walked with his heart beating as he was conterpulating if he could have it or not. 

"This is the wine." He pointed at it and brought it to the cashier.

"It is just a thousand dollars." She answered him. Lucas

" What! He screamed and couldn't pretend on how shocked he is.

"Are you not Liam the billionaire daughter's husband? Why be scared of getting such? She must have sent you for it." She recognized him immediately.

"I am sorry, I am not Renee's husband; I might look like him, but not the one. I needed an expensive wine to entertain my guests, which was the reason I wanted to get this." He paused and breathed down.

"There are wines that are less expensive; they're worth five hundred dollars." " Would you like to go for that.?" She asked Lucas.

Lucas, hearing it, placed his hands on his waist. "How can I spend my life saving on this? I have reserved it to save myself from more disgrace and humiliation from the wealthy family." He paused and continued.

"I will get the wine; plead with her to have it. While I thought of what to present to her father on his birthday, perhaps I am unable to provide it; by then, I will have no option but to leave the hall." He concluded and said to the cashier. "I would like to have a brand that costs $500!" 

It was then given to Lucas; he paid for it through his bank app. While Licas did that, he almost cried out tears but have to console himself with the belief of being able to satisfy Renee's desire with the little he has, even though it wasn't what she had demanded.

On his arrival home, Lucas dished Renee a meal; this time, Xavier had left for a week-long business trip and had gone with his belongings. Lucas therefore served Renee the meal, and with the wine unopened and still in fancy leather, he was scared to present it to her.

"You finally got the wine.? Did you steal from any of the restaurants, or did you steal from me? Because I know you can't afford it." She indirectly insults him.

"I got what I could afford since it is what you want." He answered her.

"While not bringing it out and serving it to me.?" She said to him,

Lucas lay his hand on the wine, taking it off from the leather. Renee's phone rang.

"Excuse me." She said she had to leave the sitting room to discuss business at that hour of the night.

"She had to answer a call." Lucas said, and after that, he opened the wine, poured it into the glass cup there, and awaited Renee.

"I am through." Renee said she stretched her hands to have the one, only to see it wasn't what she demanded.

"Was this the brand you made me wear?" She asked him.

Lucas, almost shivering, replied to her.

"But this is what I can afford." He answered with his hands open.

Renee was so angry, avoiding being pissed off the more she said. "Get me my wine from the wine shelves; you can as well take your cheap wine." She told him.

Lucas, on hearing this, felt as if to go beneath the ground.

"After I have spent my savings on getting this for you,he complained bitterly.

Renee, while chewing the meat from the fried rice Lucas had prepared, replied to him.

" Who cares.?" she answered him.

Lucas walked sadly to the wine shelves and brought her the brand she demanded.

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