The food delivery man

After the business of the day, the weather started becoming dark, and the stars shines on the sky. It was Lucas time to return home.

"I am done with the business for the day." He said this to Sherman as he got his phone ready to leave. Sherman stared at him and said, "I have to leave before you."

"You were supposed to leave before now, but you chose to stay; how does that concern me.?" Lucas asked so desperately.

"I have to leave before you; that's the rule." Sherman pointed at him.

Lucas tried ignoring him, so he made a step to leave. "Consider yourself sacked from work if you dare leave before me." Sherman added.

Lucas returned back, looking so sad, and said to him, "Really, you have decided to use this as a threat to me. This isn't the first time you made mention of "I will be fired." "What exactly do you gain from that.?"

Sherman stood from his seat, and without saying much, he replied to Lucas. "Come along with my briefcase." Sherman, after this, wore his cot and had his hat on his head.

"This is ridiculous.? Lucas said to him: "You have decided to use your position against me without regard to the fact that I remain the son-in-law of the Billionaire family."

"Can you spare me that and do just as I have instructed you?" Sherman spoke to him and picked up his phone from the table.

"I am doing this for the family, and with regard, I have forwarded my wife Renee; aside from that, you will do this yourself." Lucas replied to him so bitterly, as it kept showing its facial look. He picked up Sherman's briefcase and had him walk down Sherman's car park, where Lucas handed over the briefcase to him.

"Good night," Sherman said to him the moment he got into the car.

"Won't you give me a lift.?" Lucas asked.

"I am sorry, I have someone more important to pick from the road. Again, you have to accord me some respect as the manager." "Have a wonderful night." He shut the car door Lucas and drove off.

Meanwhile, Lucas stood and watched around, seeing that no one was observing this aside from the security man. He said to himself,.

"I am supposed to be the manager, but here I am being insulted like a child." He called on the security man. "Please make sure that the whole door is closed."

"Are you going to teach me my job.?" Ethan, the security man, said to him:.

Lucas felt ashamed hearing such from the security man. "Good night." He said this to Ethan and boarded a bus, which drove him to the house.

Lucas got to the house and found Xavier's car parked at that hour of the night.

"The common chef is back." Renee said to Xavier as she lay her head on his lap.

" Ah! Lucas said,with his hands on his waist. "He is here again." He added and hissed after that. Left to the sitting room.

"So you want to run down to the restaurant?" Renee said to him, standing.

"Is that what you have to welcome back?" He asked her.

Renee raised her right hand to slap him, but Lucas held it and said.

"In due respect, Renee, I am not a child. If you want to be slapped, you can as well do that to the wall." Lucas replied to her.

Renee dragged her hands off Lucas' hands; she kept breathing high.

"Are you aware that my dad was in the restaurant today.?" She stressed her words.

"And he realized that I wasn't at work by the time he arrived. Isn't it your next question.?" He asked boldly.

"I don't have time for you, you bastard." Renee hissed and left for the bedroom.

"Must you always cause everyone around you to be angry? Didn't you know that you are so irritating and needed to get the smell out of your  body?"Xavier stood, thinking about meeting with Renee.

"What's important are you for when all you could do is flirt around with my woman?" Lucas said to him:.

"Watch your tongue, you bastard." Xavier got angry. "The next time you speak to me in such a manner, I will make sure that you spend your entire life in jail, without seeing the sun still." Xavier told him, and he aggressively pushed Lucas down to the cushion. "I should remind you that you don't belong here." Xavier added, then went to the bedroom.

"Are you still pissed off with that bastard reaction.?" Xavier asked Renee while on the bed with her.

"I regretted making him my husband." She replied, Xavier.

"Then divorce him." Xavier said to her, with his hands wide open.

"No, I can't." Renee demonstrated by shaking her hand.

" Why!" Xavier asked surprisedly. "You were the one who complained about regretting making him your husband. And when I suggested that you divorce him, you refused." Xavier sounded sadly.

"Yes, I don't want to divorce him." Renee replied to him.

"Why, I asked again.!" Sherman asked again.

"The family has been generating a lot of income from him. His cooking style," she paused, refusing to speak about Lucas' handsomeness, which was another reason she had accepted the marriage.

"He can be placed on salary alone instead of the identity he bear with you." Xavier suggested.

" Salary I heard you say, " Renee told him.

"Yes.!" he answered.

"That's not a good one to quantify his profession alone; he will charge me and my father a lot, and with that, has his own restaurant." She replied.

"But you don't love him." Xavier told Renee.

"He loves me and would do everything possible to profess his love to me." She replied and said more. "I think it is the same love Lucas has towards me that's made him stick to me till date, irrespective of my action towards him.``

"I love you, and I am ready to pay him off just to have you." Xavier told her.

"Let the relationship be." Renee replied to Xavier with a kiss on his cheek. "Lucas still has much to play in the success of the family. Consider him extending his profession in my  soon-to-b completed hotel." "I will then divorce once I feel I have achieved my goal through him." She replied so unwisely.

"You should have thought about what might happen to the restaurant and hotel after you divorce him." Xavier told her.

"He will be placed on salary. And if he is Lucas, we have no choice but to leave my establishment." She answered him.

"Your establishment will then be left behind with the best cook." Xavier spoke.

"I have my plans right in my heart." She and him zealously.

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