For the remaining minutes to the end of dinner, no one said a word to the other as they focused on their food.

Jonathan was the first to leave the table, followed by Raiden who ran after him.

Grabbing him by the cuff of his shirt, he shoved him roughly on the wall, “You think you are smart huh!” He snarled, his eyes reddened in anger.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Jonathan replied calmly. He wouldn't want to exchange fists with him for whatever reason.

“You went behind us and struck a deal with father.” He pushed him aside and still fuming with anger, he began to pace to and fro as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

Pushing his hand forward, he wanted to send his fist into Jonathan's face but he was quick to duck before he got hit.

Surprised at his speed, Raiden attempted his earlier action for the second time but the result was still the same.

“I can see you have grown big.” He laughed, rubbing his palms as an evil grin appeared on his lips.

“Believe me when
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