Whistling a nursery rhyme, Jonathan pushed his janitor’s cart into Karl's office for his usual morning routine.

Today was two weeks since he began to work as a janitor.

“Good morning sir.” He greeted in a cheerful manner and then commenced work, making sure to take note of everything his eyes could fall on.

For the past two weeks, he had been trying to come up with a contingent plan to send Vina and Karl to their heels but he couldn't come up with any.

Smacking his lips, he continued his job only to stop whistling when the telephone on his table began to buzz.

“You're hardworking.” Karl said, using his fingers to comb through his beards. He had ended the call purposely because he couldn't afford to take it in Jonathan's presence.

“I love putting in my best in everything I do.” Jonathan replied with a bright smile which he nodded to.

“Since you took over my office, there hasn't been a speck of dust.” Titling his head to the side with his chin resting on his clasped hand, he said
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