Chapter 22

Sarah kept dialing and redialing Jonathan's contact but the lines were not connecting.

When it seemed she wouldn't be able to reach out to him if she kept calling his phone, she decided to go meet with him in the company.

On arrival, she strode towards the elevator, not knowing the exact floor his office was located.

Luckily for her, when she got off on the fifth floor, Jonathan was standing in front of the elevator. He had just finished a meeting with the board of directors and was heading back to his office.

Pushing his hand into his pockets, he titled his head to the side as he wondered what her mission was.

“Why are you ignoring me?” She huffed, crossing her hands on her chest, momentarily forgetting what her mission was.

“You're married now, I shouldn't be snooping around someone else's wife.” He smacked his lips as he brushed past her but she was quick to pull him back.

“You're the lunatic who involved Ariel Lopez in our relationship right?” With her middle finger pointed
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