Ch 231 - I The Wicked

I sighed a lot of breath and looked up to the sky and then beyond the river to enjoy the scenery.

'Should I go back to my home, the Muddle Village?' I asked myself.

With all my mental power, I tried to find the memories of Seorus inside my mind, but after a couple of minutes of trying, I gave up because there were none.

I never felt like this place was where I belonged, and then I walked toward Freya after I wrapped my lower body with the pink towel that she gave me.

"Freya, where are we?" I asked loudly from afar, and by the look of her gesture, she didn't seem to hear my inquiry.

"Freya? Freya Margi?" I called her again and again, but there was no response.

Suddenly, the starship moved slowly, hovering on top of the river and land, and then the starship stopped behind Freya.

The body of the starship blocked my view and hid Freya and Mr. Lackey from my eyes.

I walked to them slowly to look at what was happening behind the starship from the side of my view, and when I was almost there
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