Ch 232 - I Love You
"You are the one smashing his head till he died," Freya said the truth because the old man was still alive after his head was severed.

I paused to think about what I had done to the head of the old man with both of my hands.

But my cause was just because I wanted the old man revival in the future, but what if I failed to get my hands on that power again?

"Yes, you are right... But why did you chop his head off?" I asked, and I truly wanted to know the real reason for such a cruel act.

"What did he do to you?"

"Why didn't you ask me anything if you wanted to chop his head?"

"Did you not feel anything wrong in your heart?"

"Why, Freya, why?" I asked her so many distressing questions in the hope she would tell me the truth.

Freya pursed her lips, paused for a few seconds, looked away from my face, and didn't say anything to me.

"Freya, why did you chop his head off like that?" I asked again, locking my eyes on her face, but she seemed sad and wanted to tear up again.

She inhaled
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