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My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 11 : Anxiety
“Timmy, I have a question for you”.“Of course Mia, what is it?” asked Dean, taking her hand“I have seen you Timmy, you always tell me how you're not rich, and you consider yourself working class, but you drive a limousine everywhere and live in this incredible palace, how can you afford all his?” Asked Mia curiously.Dean sighed but maintained his smile, he knew Mia would ask this question sooner or later, luckily he had already prepared an answer for her beforehand.“You see Mia, the explanation is quite simple..” responded Dean.“A friend of mine gave it to me”Mia rests her jaw on her fist, while staring at Dean blankly, obviously not buying into the lie.“Really?, you have friends that can afford to give you a place like this for free?” asked Mia in disbelief.Dean smiled, it seemed Mia was prepared to not make this easy for him.“Yes, one of my wealthy friends…. uh, John, and he didn't give it to me for free, I actually don't love here, I am merely watching them for him” replied
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 12 : An unbelievable transformation
Dean and Mia, head to a clothing store inside the Golden Estate.Dean intended to sponsor another massive makeover for her, one that would give her enough confidence to face her family again.He was determined to make sure that when they were done, every member of her family who saw her would be stunned.This would be Mia's second makeover since she got her legs back, and she was quite excited.Mia and Dean walked through multiple clothing sections within the store, with Mia selecting the clothes she thought fit her best to try on for later.At first, she was intentionally picking clothes that were cheap to be mindful of Dean's finances, but soon, Dean noticed this and assured her that she should pick whatever she wanted without worry, and he would pay for them.After selecting and trying on multiple pieces of clothing, Mia finally settled on a low shoulder cut blouse, paired with tight blue jeans and shin-high black boots.It was an outfit that hugged her every curve and truly showed
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 13 : A cruel deception unfolds
“Mia?” asked Andrew as he looked at the gorgeous woman in front of him. “Is that really you?”“Yes dad, it's actually me” Mia said with a hint of pride in her voice.Everything Dean had told her had come to pass before her very eyes.Just like he had told her, her appearance absolutely stunned her parents. Seeing her parent's expressions change in real time after recognizing her, filled Mia up with so much pride and self-confidence, more than she had ever felt in her entire life.But little did she know that her parents were going to take an entirely different approach to her new look.“How…. how is this even possible?, how did this happen?” asked Andrew, still in absolute shock.Mia, squeezing Dean's hand tightly as she was about to tell her parents about the surgery Dean performed on her.“Physical therapy” replied Dean before Mia could speak, “You'll be surprised just how far it can go”Andrew and Sophia frowned heavily after hearing Dean's voice.“We didn't ask you anything young
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 14 : A difficult task
“A member of the Hamilton family?, who told you that?, you're not a member of the Hamilton family”Mia and Dean looked at each other in confusion.“What are you talking about?” asked Dean, still confused.“I'm sure you heard me very clearly" said Andrew now in a mocking tone.Dean closed his eyes and smiled, he knew what this was, it was obvious that Andrew was trying to intimidate him or trick him in some way, but unfortunately for him, the Maestro of the underworld wasn't so easily fooled.“What do you mean Dean isn't a member of the Hamilton family?, We have the marriage certificate dad, you signed it yourself, officially making Dean a member of the family” The entire family burst out laughing after they heard this, leaving both Mia and Dean standing in bewilderment.After they were done laughing, Andrew cleared his throat and said, "oh Mia, you've been a member of this family your whole life, you've been a citizen of Reville your whole life, yet you still don't even know how these
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 15 : Determination
Mia's eyes widened in shock at the words her grandfather had just uttered “Imperium?!, like one of the largest conglomerates in the country?, that imperium?!” asked Mia in shock“Yes Mia, that Imperium, if you can secure a contract for Hamilton Construction with Imperium, I will consider granting Timothy here a place in the family” reiterates Harry Mia fumed at the words of her grandfather, she didn't think she had ever been this angry in her life.“HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET A CONTRACT WITH IMPERIUM?!, I don't know anything about construction, I don't even have any credentials in construction, why would they give me a contact?” said Mia as tears started forming in her eyes.It was clear why her grandfather had asked her to do this.He had given her an impossible task that not even he or anyone else within the family could achieve, all but guaranteeing that she would be forced to break off her marriage to Dean when they inevitably failed to get the contract.Harry smiled misc
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 16 : Crucial conversations
Stephen Chamberlain, despite being the CEO of Imperium, one of the largest conglomerates in the country, shuddered at the voice of the man he was speaking to over the phone.It was a voice he remembered well, despite only ever hearing it a few times.The deep, bold, and distorted voice always sent shivers down his spine whenever he heard it.“You asked my how I was, so I suppose I should return the gesture, how are you doing today Mr Chamberlain?” asked the Maestro “Very… very well sir” stammered Chamberlain as sweat quickly gathered around his face.“I do not wish for this conversation to take too much of my time, I am a very busy man of course” said the Maestro“Of course sir… I understand” said Chamberlain, as he frantically tried to wipe away beads of sweat from his face that had slowly started getting into his eyes.Dean smiled in amusement, due to the sounds he heard on the other side of the phone call.He knew Stephen Chamberlain was terrified of him, and was incredibly nervou
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 17 : Twisted Hope
“I lied” Those two words rang in Mia's ears like the sound of a gunshot.After staring at her friend Anna for a few seconds, it was now Mia's turn to get angry.“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU LIED?!”, yelled Mia, so loudly that it caused her to be reprimanded by the waitress.After the waitress had left, Mia would speak again, this time in a much lower voice to prevent her from returning.“What do you mean you lied Anna?”“I mean I lied Mia, y'know… I didn't tell the truth, you can understand what I'm saying right, I'm not speaking chinese" replied Anna sarcastically, trying to lighten the situation.Mia sat on her chair, fuming with anger, and starting at Anna's face with an angry expression.Anna on the other hand, sat on her chair, deeply ashamed, with an embarrassed look on her face.She couldn't even look Mia in the eyes, so she made sure to look at her hands instead.“But… why?, why would you even lie about something like that?” asked Mia, in frustration.“To impress you” whispered Anna
My Son-In-Law Is Secretly A Crime Lord Chapter 18 : A grave misunderstanding
“WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A HUSBAND MIA?” asked Anna, screaming at Mia's face.“Jesus Anna, I'm sorry… I didn't think it was a big deal” replied Mia.“Of course it's a big deal Mia, don't you realize what…”Anna stopped her sentence halfway after she looked in Deans direction and saw him shake his head from left to right.After seeing this, Anna sighed heavily, before turning back to Mia.“What going on Anna?” asked Mia, her voice now sounding worried.Anna waved her hand at Mia, “it's alright Mia, don't worry about it… c'mon, let's go in, my boss is waiting for us”.The trio headed to the front door of the tower to meet the waiting security guards.Dean's gamble paid off, as after the guards saw that Dean and Mia arrived at the tower in a limousine, it helped Anna convince them that they were actually clients of Stephen Chamberlain.The guards eventually let the trio into the tower, and Anna led them up the stairs.After they had walked for a few minutes, they finally arrived at
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Chapter 111 : Epilogue
Both Dean and Richard stood outside of the Phillips family mansion, neither man saying a word to each other for several minutes.At long last, Christopher Newton, the main man responsible for everything that had happened to him and his family, was finally dead.However, he didn't feel fulfilled, not quite yet... because his revenge was not yet complete."The Hudson's" Dean finally said, as Richard turned to look at him."What?" asked Richard, not exactly sure what Dean was trying to say."The Hudson's are the last piece of this puzzle, they're the last of the four heavenly kings of Reville, responsible for the death of our mother... for the death of our family" said Dean.Richard sighed, the Hudson's were an enigma, even to a detective such as himself.They ran the Hudson petroleum company, an oil drilling and processing company that owned many refineries, plants and facilities, with the largest one being located right
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Dean awoke at the Hamilton family residence.Neither he nor Mia had gotten any real amount of sleep, as the entire family was completely freaking out over what had happened to them last night.What's worse, their panic became even greater when they saw Mia return to the house without Dean, in a car riddled with bullet holes.Dean couldn't help but stare at the recording box Richard had sent to him several days earlier.The box had contained an emergency message from his father, a message for his two sons, informing them of all the events that were transpiring between the Bradson family, and the other members of the four heavenly kings of Reville.Richard had gotten the box through his years of investigating the Dean of their family, and it was the key to how he had acquired all the information he told Dean about.Dean knew that the danger hadn't passed from last night, he could feel it in his gut.However, after everything th
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"Well well well, if it isn't crippled Mia" said Raymond as he slowly approached Mia's table.Dean turned to stare at the man in anger, not appreciating how he had just spoken to his wife."What the hell do you want Raymond?" asked Mia, annoyed, while also trying to not escalate the conversation."What's the matter Mia?, I mean you no harm... I'm just here to congratulate you on getting your legs back, I mean when I heard it had happened I couldn't believe my ears, but I guess now that I see it... my eyes do not deceive me" replied Raymond, his voice maintained a mocking tone throughout his reply."Well thanks a lot Raymond, you've seen me... I've got my legs back, so please leave me alone" pleaded Mia, as she desperately tried to get the man away from her.However, her attempts proved futile, as Raymond wouldn't let up.Chuckling lightly, Raymond said, "Even after everything your family has done, you still end up here, at the cor
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Christopher Newton sat on his office chair with his face buried in his palms.This was absolutely not how he thought everything would be going one year later.Ever since the assasination of his father by those unknown culprits, it seemed like his entire world had been turned upside down.Culprits whose identities, he still did not know.This ached him in his heart more than he had ever thought possible.He had hoped that he would have been able to uncover their identities by now, but they were like ghosts... invisible to everyone and everything.It seemed like everything that could have gone wrong had ended up going wrong, and now he was losing everything he thought he'd have by now.After the destruction of the Phillips security building, Christopher had seen the perfect chance to increase his power, and the power of his entire family by essentially buying out the Phillips family.However, due to Eric Phillips stubb
Chapter 107 : The hunt for legacy
Dean awoke from his slumber, his head pounding heavily from all the thinking he did the previous night.He looked to his side to see Mia lying there, sleeping happily without a care in the world, and as much as he had always promised himself that he would do everything in his power to keep it that way, he slowly began to feel like perhaps he wouldn't have enough power to protect Mia as well as he would have hoped.Dean looked at his watch, and the time was 5:17 am, usually, Dean would start doing his routine exercises at this time, but instead he remained in bed thinking about everything that had happened over the last three days.The shocking revelation that Richard Dawkins, the man he had just been trying to kill two days ago was his brother, still haunted him.It felt like a dream, one he could never be wake up from.After Richard Dawkins had explained to Dean that he was his brother, both men had realized that there was no longer any point
Chapter 106 : The big reveal
Dean couldn't believe what he had just heard Richard say, and by the look on Richards face, even he was just as confused as he was.Even Carlos had quickly walked over to where his boss and Dawkins were, so that he could confirm if he had indeed heard what he thought he heard "What did you just say?" asked Dean as he tightened the grip on his blade lightly.Seeing that Dean had let his guard down, Richard quickly knocked the knife out of his hand and pushed him away.Dean slammed his fist on the ground the moment he saw that Richard had once again escaped from him."OH, is that what this was?... A TRICK!?" yelled Dean, enraged with himself that he had fallen for such a cheap trick.However, unlike before, Richard wasn't trying to run away anymore.Instead, he just stood a few feet away from Dean, clutching injured shoulder, and staring at Dean.Dean noticed this and was slightly taken aback by it, but even more than
Chapter 105 : The battle of the warehouse
Quickly stepping out of his hiding place with two guns in hand, Richard Dawkins was now face to face with his two assailants, pointing a gun at each of their faces. Speaking of their faces, Richard could immediately see why his assailants didn't seem to show any reaction to the smoke bomb he used.They both had on Guy Fawkes masks, and Richard believed that they probably had a sort filtration system, hidden within the mask that allowed them to still breathe properly when the gas filled the warehouse."So Comet sent only two men to take my life... you must not think very highly of me" said Richard, trying his best to pretend to not be intimated by the two large men.He was no small man himself, but seeing the two large men in front of him, barely even flinching despite having a gun pointed as both of their heads was certainly unsettling."Oh, do not sell yourself short Richard Dawkins... the very fact that the two of us are here is proof
Chapter 104 : Taunt and effect
Seeing what was going on, Richard quickly headed towards a large crate containing Sky Quazer drone parts, so he could hide and wait for whatever came next."Come out Richard Dawkins, I don't really have time to play games with you" said a masculine voice which could be heard at the very end of the warehouse.Respond to this, but he could tell by the man's voice that he was still relatively far away, so in his mind, he still had some time to think up an escape plan."Stop wasting everyone's time, Dawkins, you might think you're hiding, but you're not" the masculine voice said again.Richard didn't respond, and at this point, he actually started to wonder why his assailants were talking so much.He still needed to find a way to navigate around this warehouse from this box he hid behind, that way, perhaps he could find a way out of his current situation.Suddenly, the masculine voice could be heard sighing loudly in the distance."Yo
Chapter 103 : Anticipated Set-up
Following the map closely, with the blueprint carefully tucked away in his pocket, Richard was led to a seemingly abandoned set of warehouses at the outskirts of the city. The warehouses most definitely belonged to Comet, as he could see their logo plastered everywhere, but he wasn't exactly sure what Comet was using them for. He found a set of thick bushes in a corner, where he decided to observe his surroundings from, as he didn't want to be ambushed by any unknown assailants. The region seemed void of life, but was littered to the brim with scores of machine parts, but Richard was too far away to tell what machines these were. Quickly becoming unsatisfied with his position behind the bushes, Richard decided, after maintaining his position for over 30 minutes, and still not noticing any sign of life, that he would move around to Investigate the area. Once he did this, he began observing all the broken