Chapter Six: Making Moves

Mason strolled through a doorway with the word “Café” inscribed with bold ink above the entrance. The place was filled with protectors and adventurers seated at tables eating or having discussions. His stomach rumbled as he caught a whiff of the aroma of foods.

“I forgot to swap this eye thing for money at the counter,” he threw his head back and sighed.

He was on his way out when he heard a familiar tune — it was the sound that announced the Griffin City Daily News.

“It’s quite another stormy evening here in Griffin City. Rumours have been flying up and down and through the internet claiming that the appearance of these portals and these monsters might worsen in a matter of days. And this is based on the analysis of the similar occurrence of this storm that caused a great deal of damage on our city ten years ago, as confirmed by our own sources. Today, we have here in the studio, Jeffrey Aleman, the special adviser to the mayor on security.”

“What do you have to say to this? Are the people of Griffin City safe at this point?” a male reporter on TV asked another man in suit.

Mason paused in his tracks, went over to the counter and leaned. His focus was on the screen secured to the wall to hear the guest’s response.

“The government has told us not to worry. Different cities always encounter these unfortunate disasters and this is just one of them. It might be similar to that of ten years ago, but what if it’s just a coincidence. Notwithstanding, the government has planned ahead providing shelters for citizens and funding emergency response teams that will be stationed all around the country. So if it so happens, which I doubt, then everything would be managed just fine.”

“Is this an assurance that the people are safe?”

“Yes. We have the Protector’s Guild stationed all around the city. They are well-trained, and empowered to handle these monsters and the randomness of these portals. We all can be rest assured, it will be put under control just like the last one.”

The screen went blank, causing Mason to swerve around. He spotted a man about extra five inches taller than him. He wore a black trouser and a blue top with the Protector’s badge on the left side of his chest.

He walked up to the seat beside Mason, “This man… If he doesn’t spit lies, I don’t know what else he spits out of that mouth of his. The last one was not put under control, it just… vanished,” he said as he sat down and dropped the remote.

“Two bottles of my favourite,” he called out to the beautiful waitress behind the counter. “You want some?” he asked Mason.

“No, thanks, I’m good.”

“I haven’t seen you around here. You just registered?”

“Yes. I joined the guild today.”

The man chuckled “You are definitely not a protector then. You’ve got some juice right?” he asked.

“No. I wasn’t even qualified.”

“Hmm. Anyways the protector job isn’t just one you hop on for fun like those silly adventurers, you know. It entails dedication and a lot more.”

“Ryan,” another person called out to him. They both swiveled on their seats to spot a man walking towards them. His hair was shaven, and he donned a black outfit with the Protectors’ guild badge. He looked older, and the stoic aura around him gave off the authority he carried.

“We received a code violet alert a minute ago. Call in the rest of the Shield.”

“Can I at least finish my drink? It’s only been one minute,” Ryan said.

“We need to move now.”

“Duty calls, kid,” Ryan whispered to Mason’s ears. He took a gulp out of one of the bottles of beers that the bartender dropped on the counter. “I’ll pay when I’m back, Mary. If I don’t come back, charge the old man for me,” he said to the waitress and darted off.

Mason stared at Ryan as he exited the bar; he exhaled and made for the door too. He went through the huge silver gate and back to the Registry. The exchange was quick, he presented the emerald eye he got, then after a thorough inspection, the man behind the counter took his pass and returned it along with a small bag.

“Your item was worth just a hundred dollars since it wasn't from a monster,” the man said as he handed the bag to him.

Mason nodded, “Thank you,” he said with a smile.

He shoved the bag into his backpack and what came to his mind as he exited the Registry was to get a new outfit.

Three men leaned on the wall some metres from the entrance of the silver gate. It wasn’t an unusual sight to see people hanging around the area and it didn’t seem out of place either. Howbeit, the looks of those men made him take caution. He made for the staircase that led back to the subway right away.

“System, what’s my next mission? Give me something good,” Mason said as he walked on.

[Two missions are available for host]


[Mission: Locate an X portal. Defeat a level 5 monster.]


[Mission: Save 10 citizens from the monsters]


Mason accepted the first mission.

[The second mission has been archived]

Mason increased his steps, oblivious of the three men that stalked him.


Several people sat across a round table. Their faces were shielded with black hoods and their whole body swallowed up by long black garments.

"Our brotherhood must now come together as one. I could be wrong but I believe our common nemesis has been awakened," one of them spoke up. His baritone filled the whole room.

"A rebirth?" another asked.

The first speaker looked down, "I don't know. I would say yes, but we all know his nature."

"We can't let him rise from the dust again or we might be at risk. Everything we have forged in the past silent years might be ruined in one day," another chipped in.

"Which is why I have called for this communion. We need to rise against him together, if we want to keep our legacy."

The first speaker spread his arms. His fellow on one side placed his palm on his outstretched palm, and another on his other side did same. In a minute, the hooded figures were locked in a palm to palm connection. Their palms began to glow with a dark red hue and it became brighter.

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