Chapter 6

Three years later.....

Three years had passed and Alexander had been released from prison, but the wounds inflicted by the Harringtons' betrayal still felt raw for Alexander. As he walked the familiar streets his jaw clenched at the stare. In the eyes of the world, he would forever be branded a rapist, a monster who had preyed upon an innocent woman.

He shoved his hands deeper into the pockets of his worn jacket, hunching his shoulders against the bitter chill that had seeped into his very bones during those endless nights in his cold cell. 

"Tracy, you will pay for this. Every single pain I received you will get them ten times" 

Rounding the corner, He saw a commotion up ahead and snapped from his thoughts. He stumbled upon a scene – a group of older boys around the age of fourteen, they wore luxurious clothes by the look of their snide expressions, encircling a small child who was approximately six years old.

"P-please, just leave me alone," the kid stammered, clutching his schoolbag to his chest as he tried to shrink even further into himself. One of the bullies looked down at his prey.

"Whatsamatter, baby gonna cry for his momma?" he taunted with a harsh laugh. "Maybe we oughta teach you a lesson 'about respecting' your betters."

At those cruel words, something deep within Alexander's psyche shifted, an instinctive protectiveness. Perhaps it was the anguish he saw in the eyes of the child that he once felt at Harrington's mercy. 

Or maybe, in that innocent face, he saw the bright future that had nearly been stripped from him.

Whatever the reason, he could no more stand idle,

"That's enough," Alexander called out, his voice carrying clearly across the tense scene. As one, the bullies whirled to face this new intruder, sneers already twisting their lips.

"This ain't your business, old man," the ringleader spat. "Why don't you keep on walking 'fore you get the same as squirting here."

Alexander held the youth's gaze, unmoved by the thinly-veiled threat. "Tormenting a defenceless child? I'd have thought even thrash like you would find that beneath you."

The mocking laughter that greeted his words quickly soured into anger as the teens grasped the insult.  

"Who'd You think you are?" another added in, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

At that moment, Alexander truly pondered the question. The man he had once been – strong, confident, full of hope for the future – felt like a distant memory. But he had one purpose which was to live for his mother.

Drawing himself up to his full height, he lifted his chin in quiet defiance.

"You can run while you still have the chance."

The ringleader's lips peeled back in an ugly snarl as he sensed the threat behind Alexander's calm words. With a flick of his wrist, he signalled his gangs forward.

"Get him."

As the pack surged towards him, Alexander didn't want to exact too much force because they were still kids after all, he just made light movements.

As the pack of bullies ran forward, Alexander took in a calm breath. 

The ringleader led the charge, fist cocked back to deliver a blow. But Alexander was ready. Sidestepping the wild punch with easy grace, he caught the youth's wrist and used his own momentum to spin him around. 

With a little effort, Alexander planted his forearm against the ringleader's back and shoved him, sending him stumbling face-first into the brick wall.

The ringleader crumpled to the ground, dazed, as his the other stared at him. 

"Yo.. all" the ring leader was infuriated that known of his gang had acted.

As he was in pain he finally let out from the wall, 


Alexander dropped into a defensive crouch,  he  blocked a pair of clumsy punches. Seizing the opening, he lashed out with a piston-like jab, snapping one attacker's head back with the impact.

Another rushed in from his flank, but Alexander twisted away from the attack. As the bully's weight carried him past, Alexander hooked his arm and executed a perfect hip toss, slamming the teen onto the hard pavement. A knee planted in the middle of his back kept him pinned and gasping for breath.

"Pathetic little kids" Alexander straightened, squaring off against the remaining pair. Even united, these untrained youths were no match for him.

"Last chance," he warned, low and dangerous. "Walk away while you still can."

The last two standing swallowed hard, their eyes flicking towards their allies that had crumpled at Alexander's feet. 

He was finally afraid and won out over his foolish pride, and he turned to run away, tugging urgently at his friend's sleeve.

"Let's go!" 

The others stood up from the ground too and the ring leader said,

"You will pay for this" 

Alexander stomped his feet to frighten them and the ringleader stumbled in fear as he quickly got up and ran away.

As the bullies beat a hasty retreat, he strode over to where the young boy cowered against the wall. The kid was frightened as Alexander approached, he hunched his shoulders in expectation of further torment.

Crouching down to the boy's level, Alexander gentling expressed, offering a reassuring smile.

"It's alright now. They're not going to bother you anymore."

Slowly, cautiously, the child lifted his head, peering out from behind a veil of his arms. The boy had a tears filled,

"Th-thank you, mister," the boy stammered through his sniffles. "I...I was so scared."

Reaching out, Alexander gave the kid's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "You were very brave standing up to them. What's your name?"

"Charlie," came the tiny reply.

The simple admission jolted Alexander like a physical blow, the familiar name and those soft features tugging at a hazy recollection from his memories, "Could this be...?" 

Before he could pursue the thought further, a panicked cry sliced through the air.

"Charlie! Oh my god, Charlie!"

Whipping around, Alexander watched as a  young woman raced towards them, with panic and the  wind swept her hair. As she dropped to her knees beside the boy - Charlie - and crushed him in a fierce embrace, Alexander's breath caught in his throat.

He knew that face, those deep brown eyes with unshed tears of relief. Elena.

In her arms, clutching her son - her son - to her chest, she looked up at Alexander with  gratitude. .

This remarkable woman had never once believed the lies back then, she had refused to turn her back on him despite Harrington's treachery. 

Even now, freed from their toxic grasp, a part of her still clung to the fragile hope that he was still innocent.

As their eyes met, a tremulous smile curved on Elena's lips, 

"Thank you.." 

But their peace was short lived as they saw rows of Tilted Black SUV line up on the road as it carried the Crimson Skull Gang Emblem.

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