Chapter 11
Sapphire's breast so huge that smith couldn't want to resist, meanwhile, sapphire was doing this because she just witnessed how smith was and she could use him to her advantage.

{Say yes!} They System tingled.

"Is that a mission", He mumbled.

{no, but I am going to give you many rewards, including points champ!}

sapphire moved closer to him, "I am sorry for my approach, but you can come to my house later in the day", she said and streched him a card. he reluctantly collected it!.

she ran his hand on his chest, "I will be waiting for you call", she said before walking out of the company. smith stood there.

He just missed a big enjoyment!.

{Stop acting like an impotent}

"stop ridiculing me, what is your purpose in me", smith wondered, asking the system.

{to fullfil your wishes and stop you being a simp and slow}.

Smith couldn't denied, when he was living with Jessica, they took him as an idiot and she deprived him from having sex with her so he was still a virgin an
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