Chapter 48: The Ritual Begins

The chamber erupted in chaos as we fought the shape-shifter, our resolve unyielding despite the overwhelming odds. The artifact pulsed with an ominous energy, its power amplifying the intensity of our struggle. I knew that we had to make a choice, and every second we delayed brought us closer to disaster.

The shape-shifter’s form twisted and contorted, a nightmarish blend of faces and limbs. It lunged toward the artifact, its eyes gleaming with malevolent intent. We had to stop it, but the thought of leaving Mara behind gnawed at my conscience.

Lena and Harlan had managed to find Mara, but the shape-shifter saw them too. Its eyes narrowed, and it began to shift its focus. The island’s energy surged, and the ground beneath us trembled violently.

"Jack, we have to decide now!" Drake shouted over the din, his voice filled with urgency.

In that moment, the choice became clear. Saving Mara was not just a personal decision; it was a moral imperative. We couldn't let the shape-shifter win by
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